Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Process of earning money with a blog

Acknowledgement: Thank you Tamal Anwar very much. I am a new blogger. I have started blogging after reading your blog. Now I am adding post slightly modified in my blog. I wish it will not affect you and your popularity.

How to earn money with a blog -a get started guide for newbie bloggers

Most newbie bloggers get frustrated on how to make money with a blog, or at first they want to know on how to get started online? At this point, I can point you out this article on beginners guide for blogging. But the question is still active: How can I build a blog and start making money from it?
The answer is clear, you can’t earn money from the very first day of blogging. It may take 6-12 months or even 36 months. Or you may never ever make money from blogging at all.. feeling disappointing? You can’t make money with a blog alone and blog is just a medium of connecting to the world. Here’s what my bright, money making blogger friend said,
…There is a big myth behind this question. Many people think that you can create a blog and start making money auto-magically. That’s not truth, in fact you cannot make  money just “blogging”…
…A blog doesn’t make money by itself, it is just a channel, a tool that can help you to sell and earn money…  ~MrJavo on this interview

Think about a niche

Think like your blog as a radio station/ TV channel or a newspaper. The type of content you will produce will attract the sort of audience. For an example, blogkori it self is about blogging & money making tips for beginners. New people who are willing to start a blog/ website and looking for online earning will be more interested in reading blogkori.
The type of content will send a specific targeted people to your blog from a specific age level, level of participation and level of spending/ buying/ investing capability.
The best niche for blogs are technology, news and entertainment. Try to build a blog about technology related topics because techy  people are much more internet savvy and they love to promote content. Tech related posts are easy to market and a majority of people love these kind of blogs.

Start a blog with a free/ paid platform

Now that you know what you are going to cover, start a blog. You can start a blog using blogger or can go for a self hosted wordpress blog. Either way you now have a baby blog. Write 10-20 headlines on your topic and start posting 200-300 word articles. Don’t put too much effort on your early posts because you are still learning. Post one article every day. Wait at least 10 days or 10 posts before you can jump for your blog promotion.

Solve a problem with 5-10 articles

You can’t just write random articles on a daily basis. What you have to do is to provide a solution on your blog. You have to guide people from point A to point B. For an example, you have a blog about “computer assembling tips.” Write few posts where you had covered all of the basic fundamentals from how to install a motherboard, installing processor, RAM and finally how to boot the computer. Here, you have to focus that, people love complete solutions. They will bookmark your blog for further reading in the future.

Start promotion your new blog

When you have at least one complete solution on your blog, start using word of mouth (free promotion) for getting new people to your blog. Paid traffic is not a better option at this level. Go to facebook, twitter, myspace and promote your blog. Ask your friends to put a link/ banner of your blog on their sites. Put your website URL on email signatures, profiles and other places your visit. Comment on relevant blogs/ websites and leave your link.

Sign up for google adsense

Google adsense is the yet most easiest option to monetize your blog. But it won’t provide you instant cash. Sign up for adsense and create two or three ad spots. Place one ad spot on top, one on the sidebar and last one on the bottom. You can also go for no ads and wish to keep your new visitors on your site for longer because each adsense click generate low revenue.

Use affiliate marketing for your blog

Sign up for any affiliate network like PepperJam or ClickBank and search for some great products on your niche. Pick up at most 3 products (for now) and cloak the affiliate links. Write a good post about the product you are promoting and put your affiliate link on it. Put the links on your sidebar as plain links ~no fancy banners.

Use paid review to make money for blog

Another way of great money making is using paid review sites. Sign up for a list of paid review sites and get started on money making. Pick up reviews that are related to your niche to get more SEO benefits even from your paid posts. Most paid review sites requires your site to become 1 month old, so wait before your blog becomes at least one month older.

Promote your other business

The main goal of your blog could be promoting your main business that earns you money. Try to build a profile on your blog and build a section describing your work and what you provide. Business people write about things they sell and it’s a great way to attract new leads.

Have your say

Do you make money with a blog/ website? How do you earn money online? Are you looking for starting a profitable online asset? Please share a few tips about your journey.

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