Thursday, May 17, 2012

Dialogue Writing process

A dialogue between two friends.
M: Hello Rahi, how are you?
Rahi: I am fine and you?
 M: I am also fine. What are you doing now?
Rahi: I am doing nothing special. I am reading a newspaper. What are you doing?
M: I am also reading a newspaper. But I have something to ask/borrow from you. Will you give me sometime?
Rahi: Obviously, whyever not? I am always ready to tell/help whatever you wish to know/get.
M: I want to know/get/borrow ………….
M: Thanks indeed: I have to leave now. See you again.
Rahi: Ok, you may go now. Bye.

A dialogue between two friends.
M: Hello Rahi, how are you?
Rahi: I am fine and you?
 M: I am also fine. What are you doing now?
Rahi: I am doing nothing special. I am reading a newspaper. What are you doing?
M: I am also reading a newspaper. But I have something to ask/borrow from you. Will you give me sometime?
Rahi: Obviously, whyever not? I am always ready to tell/help whatever you wish to know/get.
M: I want to know/get/borrow ………….
M: Thanks indeed: I have to leave now. See you again.
Rahi: Ok, you may go now. Bye.

A dialogue between two friends.
M: Hello Rahi, how are you?
Rahi: I am fine and you?
 M: I am also fine. What are you doing now?
Rahi: I am doing nothing special. I am reading a newspaper. What are you doing?
M: I am reading a newspaper. But I have something to ask/borrow from you. Will you give me sometime?
Rahi: Obviously, whyever not? I am always ready to tell/help whatever you wish to know/get.
M: I want to know/get/borrow ………….
M: Thanks indeed: I have to leave now. See you again.
Rahi: Ok, you may go now. Bye.

A dialogue between two friends.
M: Hello Rahi, how are you?
Rahi: I am fine and you?
 M: I am also fine. What are you doing now?
Rahi: I am doing nothing special. I am reading a newspaper. What are you doing?
M: I am also reading a newspaper. But I have something to ask/borrow from you. Will you give me sometime?
Rahi: Obviously, whyever not? I am always ready to tell/help whatever you wish to know/get.
M: I want to know/get/borrow ………….
M: Thanks indeed: I have to leave now. See you again.
Rahi: Ok, you may go now. Bye.

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