Thursday, May 17, 2012

Story Writing

A grocer and a fruit seller
One day a grocer borrowed a balance and some weights from a fruit seller. After a few days, the fruit seller asked the grocer to return his balance with weights to him. The grocer desired not to return his balance and weights. Rather he said to the fruit seller that the mice had eaten into his things. The lame excuse of the dishonest grocer made the fruit seller very angry. But he controlled his temper and told him that it was his bad luck. But the fruit seller was thinking of a plan to teach him a good lesson.
Once the fruit seller requested the grocer to allow his son to go with him to the town for some shopping. The grocer allowed his son to go with him. The next day the fruit seller returned alone from the town. The grocer asked him about his son. The fruit seller replied that a crow had carried his son away. At this the grocer grew very angry and calling him a liar asked him how a crow can carry his son away. The fruit seller instantly replied that it carried his son away in the same way as mice could eat into his balance and weights. The grocer understood the whole thing and requested the fruit seller to pardon him for telling lie.  He returned the balance and weights to the fruit seller. After that the fruit seller also sent the boy to his father.
Failures are the pillars of success
Once there was a great king Robert Bruce. He was sitting deject in a dark cave. He was thinking about his lot. He loved his county and his subjects very dearly. His subjects had a great love and respect for him. One day his enemies attacked his country and drove him away from his kingdom. The king fought several battles to regain his country but failed. One day he was sitting in his hiding place. He was upset over his misfortune. Suddenly he noticed a spider trying to reach the ceiling. The spider tried again and again to go up but dropped down every time. Bruce observed the spider with keen interest and saw that the seventh attempt of the spider succeeded. The perseverance of the spider encouraged Bruce. He saw a ray of hope. Filled with new hope, he brought together his scattered forces and faced his enemies once more time. This time he prevailed over his enemies and succeeded in defeating them. Finally he regained his lost kingdom.
Money cannot bring happiness
Once there lived a happy cobbler who passed his days in working and singing. A rich businessman neighbour said to him one day. How much a year do you earn? The cobbler replied, “I earn enough to make both ends meet.” “I am sorry for that. You must be living in great distress.” said the neighbour. “But I am used to this sort of life and I am happy.” said the cobbler.
The next day the rich neighbour again came to visit the cobbler. He came with ten thousand taka in a bag. He said to him, “I’ve brought ten thousand taka for you. Keep this money and remove your distress.
Now a new thinking took hold of the cobbler. He said to himself, “Ten thousand taka a lot of money.” He could not think where to keep the money. He did not find any safe place to keep the bag. He dug a hole in his hut and kept the money. But he always thought that his money could be stolen any time. He even could not devote himself to his work. As a result, his life became more miserable. Peace and happiness vanished from his life. The cobbler realized that he had money but no peace of mind.

Dress does not make a man great
Sheikh was a great poet. He used to lead a simple life. Once he took shelter in a rich man’s house. The rich man could not recognize him and treated him as an ordinary man. At that time he had a very simple dress on. The people of that house did not deal well with the poet. Rather they showed disrespect and dishonour to him. The poet left the rich man’s house in utter dismay. A few days later, he went there again with a rich dress on. This time he was duly respected and honoured by the people of the rich man’s house. They gave him rich food to eat. The poet did not eat the food but began to put the food in his pocket. Seeing it, the rich man was astonished. He asked the poet about his mysterious behaviour. Then the poet said, “This food is for my dress but not for me.” Had it not been so I would have been treated in the same manner when I was very poorly dressed? The rich man was really sad for this. He begged forgiveness of the poet.
The fox without a tail
There lived a very clever fox in a jungle. One day, while walking the jungle, he fell into a trap. He struggled hard and at last he was able to come out of the trap. But unfortunately he could not come out unhurt because he lost his tail in the trap. So without the trail the fox looked very odd and strange. The fox was very upset and ashamed losing his tail. But the fox was very clever. He made a plan. He invited all the foxes living in the jungle to a meeting. He told them that he had made a great discovery.
All the foxes became very eager to listen to him. He told them that their tail was of no use rather it looked ugly and dirty. He told them that if they cut off their tail, they would look more beautiful and more attractive. He also told them that he himself had cut off his tail to prove it. The foxes were convinced. But among them there was an old and wise fox. He realised the trick of the clever fox. He told the other foxes that the clever fox had not cut off his tail, but he had lost his tail falling in a trap. As he did not have tail, he wanted the other foxes to cut off their tail. It was, in fact, an evil trick of the clever fox.

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