Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dialogue for class five or psc

1. You want to know how your friend spends his leisure time.
Myself: Hello! How are you?
Anika: I am fine and you?
Myself: I am also fine. Can I ask you a question?
Anika: Sure.
Myself: How do you spend your leisure time?
Anika: I spend my leisure time gardening. It gives me pleasure and keeps me fit.
Myself: Thank you.
Anika: You are welcome.
2. You want to go to a book fair with your friend.
Myself: Hello! How are you?
Zami: I am fine and you?
Myself: I am also fine. Could you please take me to the book fair?
Zami: Yes, when do you like to go?
Myself: This afternoon.
Zami: OK. I will go with you.
Myself: Thank you.
Zami: You are welcome.
3.You want to know the importance of Calendar.
Myself: Hello! How are you?
Anika: I have a calendar for you.
Myself: Thanks. Could you please tell me about the importance of a calendar?
Anika: Of course. It is very important thing to us. We can know the date from the calendar.
Myself: Thank you.
Anika: You are welcome.
4. You want to know the way to the bus station.
Myself: Excuse me, would you please help me?
The man: Sure, how can I help you?
Myself: Could you tell me the way to  the bus station?
The man: Yes, go up to the end of this road and then turn right. The bus station is on the left.
Myself: Thanks.
The man: You are welcome.
5. You want to someone to lend you a book.
Myself: Good morning, Lina.
Lina: Good morning.
Myself: Could lend me your English Grammar book, please?
Lina: Sure. When do you back it to me?
Myself: After two days.
Lina: OK, take it.
Myself: Thank you.
Lina: You are welcome.
6. You want someone to open the door for you?
Myself: Mom, I am reading but it is very hot inside the room. Could you open the door, please?
Mother: sure.
Myself: Thank you, mom.
Mom: You are welcome.
7. You want some one to speak more slowly.
Myself: Our teacher is coming. Asif, could you please speak more slowly?
Asif: OK, I will do that.
Myself: Thank you.
Asif: you are welcome.
8. You want someone to answer a question.
Myself: Good morning I’m a reporter from a student’s magazine. May I ask you a question?
Asif: Of course. What is it?
Myself: How do you spend your leisure time?
Asif: I spend my leisure time in gardening.
Myself: Why do you like it?
Asif: It makes me happy?
Myself: Thank you very much.
Asif: You are welcome.
9. You want someone to lend you a dictionary.
Myself: Good morning, Raka.
Raka: Good morning.
Myself: I have lost my dictionary. Could you lend me your dictionary, please?
Raka: Sure. When do you need it?
Myself: I need it now.
Raka: OK, take it. But you should use it carefully.
Myself: OK, thank you.
Raka: You are welcome.
10. You someone go tell you a story.
Myself: Good morning, grandmother.
Grandmother: Good morning.
Myself: Could you tell me a story please?
Grandmother: Sure. But not now. I know an interesting story. I will tell you that story in the afternoon.
Myself: OK, thank you.
Grandmother: You are welcome.

1 comment:

  1. How spend your leasuiar time
    Dialogue ,please send
