Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Letter, Application, Paragraph, Dialogue for class five


1. Write a letter to your friend how you spend your leisure time.

My dear X,
At first take my cordial love. I hope you are well by the grace of Allah. I am also fine. You have wanted to know about my leisure time. I am giving you a short description about my leisure time.
Leisure refreshes our mind and makes us happy. Routine work makes life boring and monotonous. When I am free from work I spend my leisure time gardening. Because garden is a source of beauty and refreshment and it keeps me fit. I shall be glad if you visit my flower garden.

No more today. Convey my best regards to your parents and love to the younger.

Yours ever.

2. Write a letter to your friend describing your visit to Cox’s Bazar.

Dear X,

 I am very glad to receive your letter. You have wanted to know about my visit to Cox’s-Bazar. I am giving you a short description of my journey.
Last summer vacation I along with some of my friends visited Cox’s Bazar. The longest sea beach of the world is situated in the Cox’s Bazar. The Saint Martins Island is also there. We enjoyed many beautiful coral of different shapes and colours in the blue water of the Bay of Bengal. We saw the turtles that nest on the Island. We also saw various sea fishes. We stayed there long time and enjoyed very much there.

No more today. Convey my best regards to your parents and love to the younger.

Yours ever.
3. Write a letter to your friend inviting him to attend the marriage ceremony/ your birthday party.
My dear X,
At first take my cordial love. I hope you are well by the grace of Allah. I am also fine. You will be very glad to hear that I am going to observe my birthday on 15th march/ the marriage ceremony of my elder sister is going to be held on 15th march. I shall be very glad if you attend the happy occasion. My parents will also be glad to find you in our midst. I will be eagerly waiting for your arrival.
No more today. Convey my best regards to your parents and love to the younger.
Yours ever.
Prepared by:
Ali Akbar
Assistant Teacher
S.K. Gov. Girls’ High School Manikganj.

1.Write a letter to your father requesting him to send some money for buying new books.
My dear father,
I received your letter yesterday. I hope you are well by the grace of Almighty. I am also fine. You will be glad to know that I have been promoted to class vi (occupying the first position). Our class will start soon. I shall have to buy some new books. Now I need some money to buy new books. So please send me the money soon.
No more today. With best regards to you and mother and love to the youngers.
Your loving son.


2. Write a letter to your friend about your sports day at your school.
My dear X,
I received your letter yesterday. I hope you are well by the grace of Almighty. I am also fine. In your letter you wanted to know about sports day at our school. Now I like to describe it.
The sports day at our school was held on 25 January. We decorated our school field nicely. There were various events on the day. The most interesting events were the cockfight and dress, as you like. I took part in two events and won first prize. At 2pm all the games and sports were over. The chief guest gave the prizes among the winners.
Your loving friend
3. Write a letter to your friend describing your aim in life.
My dear X,
I received your letter yesterday. I hope you are well by the grace of Almighty. I am also fine. In your letter you wanted to know about my aim in life. Now I like to describe it.
My aim in life is very simple. I want to be a doctor. A doctor’s job is not only important but also High Status. He can lead a life of honesty and dignity. A doctor always serves the suffering people and the nation. This is his pride. I shall have to gather much learning and training to be a doctor.
No more today. With best regards to you and mother and love to the youngers.
Your loving friend
4. Write a letter to your father describing him about the preparation for the scholarship examination.
My dear father,
I received your letter yesterday. I hope you are well by the grace of Almighty. I am also fine. You are eager to know about my preparation for the scholarship examination.
Our scholarship examination is knocking at the door. I have been studying attentively and learning the answers of all the possible questions. I hope that I shall do well in the examination. I do not spend a single moment without going on with my studies. I have finished preparing all the subjects. Now I am revising them. Pray to Allah for my success.
With regards to you and mother and love to the youngers.
Your loving son


1.Common Birds of Bangladesh

The crow is a common bird of Bangladesh. It is deep black and ugly bird. Its voice is harsh. Its body is covered with black feathers. The crow has two legs with sharp nails, two large wings and two strong fills. It is seen everywhere. It is a thief by nature. It takes away food from the children. Crow lives on worms, rats, eggs and insects. The crow builds its nest on big trees. There are two kinds of crow such as Raven and Carrion. The crow is useful to us. They eat rotten things and make our houses clean.

2.My Daily Life

I am a student. I strictly maintain a daily routine. I get up early in the morning. After brushing my teeth and washing my hands and face I say my prayer. Then I go out for a walk. After the walk I sit down to learn my lessons and do my homework. At 9.30am I take my bath, eat my meal and leave for school. After school I return home, wash hands and face and eat my meal. Then I play with my friends in the fields. Just at sunset I return home and begin to prepare my lessons. I eat my supper at 10pm. Then I watch TV for a while and go to bed.

3.Book Fair

A book fair is of recent origin. Various kinds of books are displayed and sold in a book fair. It gives an opportunity to buy books at a cheap rate. Recently I visited a book fair at Bangla Academy premises. Bangla Academy authorities observe the fair in memory of the language martyrs. When I entered the mela premises I was really pleased at the calm and quiet environment. I saw books lovers were humming in the stalls without any trouble. According to my list I collected some books without any hazard. I met some famous (eminent) writers of our country. A book fair spreads the message that books are our best friends and companions, enlarge our vision and make our life more meaningful.

Favorite Game

I am always fond of games and sports. Football is my favourite game. It is a very common and popular game in Bangladesh. It is not an expensive and time killing game. The game is played between two teams. Each groups has eleven players. I play football in my school field with my friends in the afternoon. Football is a game of great interest and enjoyment. It keeps the players fit and active. It teaches us discipline and unity. It is a game full of thrills and exciting to both the players and the spectators. So it is my favourite game. 

4.Leisure Time
Leisure time means time free from work or other activities. Leisure refreshes our mind and makes us happy. A man should enjoy leisure time. Otherwise life will be meaningless. Routine work makes life boring and monotonous. Leisure is essential to enjoy life. Enjoying leisure time varies from person to person. Someone spends his leisure by swimming and walking. Some students enjoy their leisure time by drawing and painting. Someone loves to sing, gardening and traveling. It helps us to see the unseen and to know the unknown.
5.Food Habit
Good health means soundness of body and mind. Health is the root of all happiness. To be healthy food is very essential. Healthy food means a good mix of foods. We should eat plenty of breads, cereals, rice, noodles, potatoes etc. Also fresh fruits and vegetables are essential for health. Milk cheese and some other dairy products also construct our body. Meat, fish, beans, nuts and egg are also important for health but we should not eat them too much. Breakfast is very important for everyone. So we can keep good health by eating a balanced diet.
6.Our Country
The name of our country is Bangladesh. It became independent in 1971 after a great liberation war. Dhaka is its capital. Bangladesh is a small country with a large population. It is a democratic country with many kinds of people. All these people are free and have equal rights. It is a fertile land where rice, jute, sugar-cane, tea and many fruits grow in plenty. Bangladesh is also a beautiful country with many resources. The Padma, the Megna and the Jamuna are the main rivers of our country. The Royal Bengal Tiger lives in the Sundarbans. The Cox’s Bazar sea beach is the longest sea place in the world. Bangladesh has rich deposit of oil, gas and coal. Bangladesh is a peaceful country. People from different community live here in peace. I love my country very much.
Prepared by:
Ali Akbar
Assistant Teacher
S.K. Gov. Girls’ High School Manikganj.

7.Olympic Games
Olympic Games are the biggest sports competition of the world. It is the greatest show on the earth. More than two hundred nations participate in it. Thousands of athletes from different countries take part in the competitions of different games. It is held every fourth years. Different countries arrange the competition in different times. Olympic Games are an occasion when people from all countries meet together. The tradition of Olympic Games comes from Greece. Barron Pierre De Coubertin, a Frenchman is the patron of the modern Olympic Games. The importance of Olympic Game is beyond imagination. The last 30th Olympic Games took place in London in 2012.
8.My Home Town
The name of my home town is Manikganj. It is a district headquarters and only 35 kilometers west of Dhaka. It is very nice and quiet. The area of Manikganj town is 15 square kilometers. The river Kaliganga flows across the town. There are almost one million people in the town. There are many Schools, colleges, hospitals and markets in my home town. There are some important and interesting places too. Manikganj is famous as the home of some important personalities. Shahid Rafiq was born in Manikganj. The noble Prize winner Amarta Sen also comes from Manikganj. Like all I also feel very proud of my home town.
9.A Fire-fighter
A fire-fighter is person whose job is to put out our fires. He is a familiar figure to us. It is not only a job but also s social service. He plays an important role in putting out fires. He is physically fit, brave and careful. Though his main job is putting out fires, he also does other important works. He visits schools and other institutions. He trains students and people how to prevent fires. He also teaches them how to save people from fire. He informs general people what they should do when there is a fire in a building or a house through mass media. He is very helpful and beneficial to us. 


1. You want to know how your friend spends his leisure time.
Myself: Hello! How are you?
Anika: I am fine and you?
Myself: I am also fine. Can I ask you a question?
Anika: Sure.
Myself: How do you spend your leisure time?
Anika: I spend my leisure time gardening. It gives me pleasure and keeps me fit.
Myself: Thank you.
Anika: You are welcome.
2. You want to go to a book fair with your friend.
Myself: Hello! How are you?
Zami: I am fine and you?
Myself: I am also fine. Could you please take me to the book fair?
Zami: Yes, when do you like to go?
Myself: This afternoon.
Zami: Ok. I will go with you.
Myself: Thank you.
Zami: You are welcome.
3.You want to know the importance of Calendar.
Myself: Hello! How are you?
Anika: I have a calendar for you.
Myself: Thanks. Could you please tell me about the importance of a calendar?
Anika: Of course. It is very important thing to us. We can know the date from the calendar.
Myself: Thank you.
Anika: You are welcome.
4. You want to know the way to the bus station.
Myself: Excuse me, would you please help me?
The man: Sure, how can I help you?
Myself: Could you tell me the way to  the bus station?
The man: Yes, go up to the end of this road and then turn right. The bus station is on the left.
Myself: Thanks.
The man: You are welcome.


  1. these paragraphs are good

  2. Very very helpful for all of us who are teachers.

  3. i want more dialogues

  4. This is a nice educational blog. The posts of this blog are very helpful and informative especially for the learners. Expecting regular updates.

  5. I need paragraph on "Occupations" and "Calendar"

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I need to English paragraph about your favourite season
