Friday, May 10, 2013

Application for ssc

1. Write an application to your headmaster for opening a common room.
3rd January 2013
The Headmaster
S.K. Govt. Girls’ High School
Subject: Prayer for opening a common room.
With due respect, we beg to state that our school is one of the biggest school in Manikganj. But it is a matter of great sorrow that there is no common room in our school. For this reason the students spend their off periods time without doing anything or gossiping. As a result other classes are disturbed. So we are badly in need of a common room.
In the circumstances, we pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to make necessary steps for opening a common room.
We remain
Yours obediently
Lubba Saha
On behalf of the students of your school.

2. Write an application to your headmaster for opening a common room.
3rd January 2013
The Headmaster
S.K. Govt. Girls’ High School
Subject: Prayer for increasing common room facilities.
With due respect, we the students of your school, beg to draw your kind attention to the following fact that our common room is not well furnished. There are no sports materials, TV etc. We can’t enjoy our off period. These things can help us to know more. A common room is a part and parcel of us. For this reason we can not utilize our off period and learn more. Only classes make our lives dull and bore. So we need more common room facilities.

In the circumstances, we pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to realize the problem and solve it.
We remain
Yours obediently
Lubba Saha
On behalf of the students of your school.
3. Write an application to your headmaster for a seat in the college hostel.
5th January 2013
The Headmaster
S.K. Govt. Girls’ High School
Subject: Prayer for a seat in the school hostel.
With due respect, I beg to state that I am student of your school. My father is a government employee. Recently he has been transferred from Dhaka to Manikganj. Our family has already shifted there. I have been suffering much for want of accommodation. For this reason my studies are greatly being hampered. Besides I have no relatives in the city. So I am badly in need of a seat in the school hostel.
In the circumstances, we pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to allot me a seat in the school hostel and oblige thereby.
I remain
Yours obediently
Lubba Saha
Class Ten, Section: A
Roll No:
4. Write an application to your headmaster for permission to go on a study tour.
5th January 2013
The Headmaster
S.K. Govt. Girls’ High School
Subject: Prayer for permission to go on a study tour.
With due respect, we beg to state that some of our students wish to go on a study tour at Sonargaon. It is a historical place. Only classes make our lives dull and boring. A study tour can help us to remove this. It can also help us to know more and increase our knowledge. And two of our teachers have agreed to guide our team. So we need your permission.

In the circumstances, we pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to permit us to make a study tour and oblige there.
We remain
Yours obediently
The students of class X.
5. Write an application to your headmaster for permission to go on a study tour.
5th January 2013
The Headmaster
S.K. Govt. Girls’ High School
Subject: Prayer for setting up a computer club.
With due respect, we beg to state that our school is one of the biggest school in Manikganj. But it is a matter of great sorrow that there is no computer club in our school. Ours is an age of science. Science is discovering and inventing newer and newer things day by day. Computer is one of them. We can not spend a single day without computer. Its usefulness can not be described in words. So we need your permission and others help to set up a computer club.
In the circumstances, we pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to make necessary steps to set up a computer club.
We remain
Yours obediently
The students of class X.
6. Write an application to the Chairman of Union Council to repair a road.
10th January, 2013
The Chairman
X Union Council
Subject: Prayer for repairing a road.
I, on behalf of the people of your union, beg to state that the main road of our locality has been badly damaged by rain-water. The road is full of holes. For this reason, vehicular traffics are totally closed. As a result, the villagers specially the students are suffering a lot. Even walking on foot at this road is very dangerous. So repairing the road is very important for us.
In the circumstances, we pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to take necessary steps to repair the road and oblige thereby.
Yours obediently
Lubba Saha
On behalf of the people of
X Union Council.
7.  Write an application to the headmaster for organizing a literary club.
30th January 2013
The Headmaster
S.K. Govt. Girls’ High School
Subject: Prayer for organizing a literary club.
With due respect, We the students of your school beg to state that we want to organize a literary club in our school. This club can help the students who are interested in literature. It fills the gap of co-curricular activities. But there is no scope for this club. In these circumstances, we pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to grant our prayer and oblige thereby. Yours obediently
The students of S.K.Govt. Girls’ High school
8. Write an application to the headmaster for opening a language club.
30th January 2013
The Headmaster
S.K. Govt. Girls’ High School
Subject: Prayer for opening a language club.
With due respect, we the students of your school, beg to state that we want to organize a language club in our school. This club can help us to know more English. English is an international language. So in every step of our life, it can help us. To get a good job English is essential for us. Moreover, we can communicate with any country’s people easily through English. It develops our mutual understanding. This club can also help us to develop the skill of written and spoken in English.
In the circumstance, we pray and hope that your honour would be kind enough to grant our prayer and oblige thereby.
Yours obediently
The students of S.K.Govt. Girls’ High school

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