Monday, May 27, 2013

Rules of Completing Sentence

Completing Sentences:
1. Sub+verb+too+adj/adv+to+verb+ex. ( =GZ †h bv)
The man is too old to work.
2. Sub+verb+too+adj/adv+for+personal object+to+verb+ex.
The problem was too hard for us to solve.
3. Sub+verb+so+adj/adv+that+sub+can not/could not +verb+ex. ( so ...that=GZ †h )
The sailors' throats were so dry that they could not speak a single word.
4. Sub+verb+ adj/adv+noun+ sothat/in order that+sub+can /could/may/might +verb+ex. (sothat=hv‡Z)
The farmers sow good seeds so that they can grow good crops.
5. Provided/Provided that/ Providing that ( hw`)
Sub+shall/will+verb+ex+provided/provided that/providing that+sub+v1+ex.
He will shine in life provided that he works hard.
6. Ist sentence+lest+sub+might/should+verb+ex. (lest=fq nq .... bv )
He ran away lest he might/should be seen.
7. Unless Ist sentence+sub+can/will+verb+ex. ( unless=hw` bv)
Or Imperative sentence+unless+sub+verb+ex.
Or ist sentence+ unless+sub+verb+ex.
8. Imperative sentence+until/till+sub+verb+ex. ( until/till hZÿY bv ch©šÍ)
Or Ist sentence+until/till+sub+verb+ex.
His mother will be nursing him until he comes round.
9. Imperative sentence+as long as+sub+verb+ex.
Or Ist sentence+ as long as +sub+verb+ex. (as long as hZÿY ch©šÍ)
Allah will be with us as long as our aim is honest.
10. Though/Although+sub+ verb+ex,sub+verb+ex. ( hw`I)
Though he is poor, he is honest.
11. Since/as/because+KviY hy³ evK¨+djvdj evK¨ (KviY/ †h‡nZz)
A_ev djvdj evK¨+since/as/because  +KviY hy³ evK¨|
Everybody likes him because he is honest.
Since he is honest, everybody likes him.
12. If+sub+v1+ex, sub+shall/will/can/may+v1+ex.
If he comes, I shall go.
or, sub+shall/will/can/may+v1+ex+ If+sub+v1+ex.
She will not go out if it rains.
12. If +sub+v2+ex, sub+would/might/could+v1+ex.
If I were you, I would not support it.
13. If +sub+v2+ex, sub+would/might/could+v1+ex.
If they wanted, we would help them.
14. If+sub+had+v3+ex, sub+would/could/might+have+v3+ex.
If she had tried, she would have succeeded.
15. Had+sub+v3+ex, sub+ would/could/might+have+v3+ex.
Had I possessed a vast property, I would have helped the poor.
16. In spite of/despite (সত্ত্বেও)
In spite of/despite+possessive+noun, sub+verb+ex.
In spite of his poverty, he is honest.
17. In stead of, In lieu of (cwie‡Z©)
In stead of/ In lieu of+noun, sub+verb+ex.
or sub+verb+ex+ in stead of/in lieu of+noun.
18. Because of/on account of /owing to /due to (Kvi‡Y)
Because of/on account of /owing to /due to+ possessive+noun, sub+verb+ex.
or sub+verb+ex+ because of/on account of /owing to /due to+ possessive+noun
On account of his illness he could not go to college.
Everybody loves him because of his good behaviour.
19. Would rather/would sooner ............. than (eis/ZeyI)
Sub+would rather/would sooner+ v1+than+verb.
or Sub+would rather/would sooner+ v1+noun+than+noun.
20. Had better (eis fvj)
Sub+had better+v1+ex.
He had better go home now.
21. No sooner had+sub+v3+ex+than+sub+v2+ex.
No sooner had I gone out than he came.

22. Scarcely/Hardly+ had+sub+v3+ex+when+sub+v2+ex.
Scarcely/Hardly had I gone out when he came.
23.It is time+to+verb+ex.
It is time to leave the place.
24. It is time+for+obj+to+verb+ex.
It is time for us to leave the place.
25. It is time+subject+verb past form+ex.
It is time we/I/he/you went home.
26. It is high time we/I/he/you changed your bad habit.
27. As if/ as though (যেন)
Sub+v1+ex+as if / as though + sub+v2+ex.
He tells the matter as if/as though he knew it.
Sub+v2+ex+as if / as though+sub+ had+v3+ex.
He told the matter as if/ as though he had known it.
28. Let alone (চিন্তা করা যায় না বা ভাবা যায় না)
Sub+av+not+main verb+ex+let alone+ phrase.
He can pass in the third division let alone in the first division.
29. who, which, that, whom, whose
I saw the man who was working in the field.
The boy whom you met yesterday is my friend.
Shahana is my friend whose brother is a teacher.
I bought a shirt which was beautiful.
30. Without +v+ing+subj+can not+verb+ex.
Without taking physical exercise you can not keep your body fit.
31. By +v+ing+subj+can +verb+ex.
By taking physical exercise you can keep your body fit.
32. Present tense/Future tense+when/after+ present perfect tense.
You will return me the book when/after you have finished reading it.
N.B. v1=verb present form. v2=verb past form. v3= verb past participle.


  1. you can get more about Completing sentence from this website

  2. The correct answer to any of our sentence correction questions will have all of the following 4 characteristics: 1. No grammatical mistakes 2. Correcting sentences structure 3. No diction errors 4. No changes to the sentence's intended meaning Also, it is important to note that we did not state that the correct answer is always the most concise one.

  3. please complete the sentence :........ provide you will toil day & night.
