Monday, October 3, 2016

Rules of changing sentences (Complex, compound and simple)

Rules of changing sentences (Complex, compound and simple)

Sub+v+Noun+who/which/that +v. Ex: I have a brother who reads at Dhaka College.
Sub+v+noun+ (who/which/that ev`) + and+ noun/pronoun + evKx Ask|
Ex: I have a brother and he reads at Dhaka College.

Sub+v+noun+who/which/that ev`+verbing+evKx Ask|
Ex: I have a brother reading at Dhaka College.
be +participle phrase.
Ex. I saw a man who was walking in the field.
Sub+v+noun+and+(who/which/ that ev`)  noun/pronoun+ evKx Ask|
Ex: I saw a man and he was walking in the field.

Sub+v+noun+who/which/ that ev`+be ev`+verbing+evKx Ask|
Ex. I saw a man walking in the field.

be +adj+ phrase.
Ex. I want a shirt which is black.

Sub+v+noun+and+ noun/pronoun+evKx Ask|
Ex. I want a shirt and it is black.

Sub+v+a/an +adj+noun.
evKx  me wKQz ev`|
Ex: I want a black shirt.
Sub+v+noun+who/which/that + passive phrase.
Ex: I bought a nice watch which was made in Japan.
Sub+v+noun+and+ noun/pronoun+evKx Ask|
Ex. I bought a nice watch and it was made in Japan.

Sub+v+noun+who/which/that ev`+verb Gi pp+evKx Ask|
Ex: I bought a nice watch made in Japan.
Sub+who/which/that+principle verb+ex.
Ex: The tree that stands before the house has grown old.
Ex: Those who go to Cox’s-Bazar can enjoy the natural beauty.
The tree stands before the house and has grown old.
Ex: The people go to Cox’s-Bazar and can enjoy the natural beauty.
Sub+who/which/that ev`+ verbing+ evKx Ask|
Ex: The tree standing before the house has grown old.
Ex: Going to Cox’s-Bazar the people can enjoy the natural beauty.
Though+sub+verb+ex, sub+ v+ex.
Though he worked hard, he did not pass the exam.
Sub+v+ex+but+ sub+v+ex.
He worked hard but he did not pass the exam.
In spite of + subject Gi possessive+verbing+ evKx Ask| Ex: In spite of his working hard he did not pass the exam.
Since/As +sub+verb+ex, +sub +verb+ex.
Ex: Since the weather was very bad, I could not go to college.
Sub+verb+ex +and so + sub+ verb +ex.
Ex: The weather was very bad and so I could not go to college.
Subject Avjv`v n‡j
Because of+sub+verb+ing+ evKx Ask.
Ex: Because of the weather being very bad, I could not go to college. Or, The weather being very bad, I could not go to college.
When Øviv mgq wb‡`©k Ki‡j|
When it is winter, it dews in the morning.
(when ev` Ges , Gi ¯’‡j and then) It is winter and then it dews in the morning.
(when it is n‡eIn/At evwK Ask Kgv ev` w`‡q AcwiewZ©Z em‡e) Ex: In winter it dews in the morning.

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