Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Narration (Dw³)
Direct Narration G `ywU Ask _v‡K:
a)      Reporting Verb: ‡h verb w`‡q e³vi e³e¨ ïiæ nq, Zv‡K  Reporting verb e‡j|
b)      Reported Speech: Avi Direct speech G Inverted comma Gi g‡a¨ †h Sentence _v‡K Zv‡K  Reported Speech e‡j|
Reporting verb
Reported speech
He said to me,
“I have done my duty.’’
Direct speech ‡K Indirect speech G cwieZ©‡bi wbqg:
Pronoun cwieZ©‡bi wbqg:
I, me, my, we, us, our
Subject Abyhvqx cwieZ©b nq

you, you, your
object Abyhvqx cwieZ©b nq

He (subject)
said to
me (object)
“I have done my duty.”
he had done his duty.

Subject hw`Third person singular cyiæl nq: I --- he, me --- him, my ---- his.
Subject hw` Third person plural  cyiæl nq :   I --- they, me ---- them, my --- their.
Subject hw` Third person singular gwnjv nq : I --- she, me --- her, my ---- her.
Subject hw` Third person plural gwnjv nq    I --- they, me ---- them, my --- their.
Subject hw` Third person singular/plural cyiæl/gwnjv nq : I--they, me ---them, my---their.
Subject hw` I nq ZLb I, me, my Gi †Kvb cwieZ©b n‡e bv|
Subject hw` you nq ZLb I--you, me--you, my--your n‡e |
Third person Gi †Kvb cwieZ©b nq bv|
Tense cwieZ©b Gi wbqg:
Rule 1: Direct Speech Gi Reporting verb hw` present ev Future tense nq, Zvn‡j Indirect Speech/Narration G Reported Speech Gi verb Gi †Kvb cwieZ©b nq bv| †hgb-
Shila says, “I will dance in the competition.”
Shila says that she will dance in the competition.
Safin will say, “I always do my duty properly.”
Safin will say that he always do his duty properly.
Rule 2: Direct Speech Gi Reporting verb hw` past tense nq, Zvn‡j Indirect Speech/Narration G Reported Speech Gi verb wb‡¤œv³ Dcv‡q cwieZ©b nq | †hgb-
  1. g~j Gi present iƒc _vK‡j past iƒc n‡e|
  2. am/is/are _vK‡j was/were n‡e|
  3. Mizanur Rahman
    B.com(Hons) M.com
    Dhaka University
    Mobile: 01916335284
    have/has _vK‡j had n‡e|
  4. do not/does not _vK‡j did not n‡e|
  5. g~j verb Gi past iƒc _vK‡j had +vpp iƒc n‡e|
  6. was/were _vK‡j had been n‡e|
  7. did not _vK‡j  had not+vpp iƒc n‡e|
  8. Modal verb wb‡¤œv³ Dcv‡q cwieZ©b nq:
Shall---should.       Will---would.
Can---could.          May---might.
Must---must/had to. (must Øviv hLb wPieva¨ev`KZv eySv‡e ZLb Gi cwieZ©b n‡e bv|)
***Should, would, could, might, ought to mvaviYZ cwieZ©b nq bv|

Sentence Abyhvqx MVb:
Assertive Sentence: Sub+told+objcet+that+sub+tense Abyhvqx verb+object+ex.
                                    or, Sub+said+that+sub+tense Abyhvqx verb+object+ex.
Interrogative Sentence: Sub+asked+objcet+wh/if+sub+tense Abyhvqx +verb+object+ex.