Friday, July 31, 2015


Tense (কাল)
wµqv m¤úbœ nIqvi wfbœ wfbœ mgq‡K wfbœ wfbœ Tense ev Kvj e‡j|wµqv m¤úbœ nIqvi mgq Abyhvqx Tense cÖavbZ wZb cÖKvi|h_v-
1.     Present  Tense
2.     Past Indefinite Tense
3.     Future Indefinite Tense
Present Tense (eZ©gvb Kvj): eZ©gvb Kv‡j †h wµqvi KvR nq eySvq Zv‡K eZ©gvb Kvj e‡j|
eZ©gvb Kv‡j GKwU wµqv Pvi i“‡c m¤úbœ n‡Z cv‡i| ZvB eZ©gvb Kvj Pvi cÖKvi| h_v-
1.     Present Indefinite Tense (Awbw`©ó eZ©gvb Kvj)
2.     Present Continuous Tense (Pjgvb eZ©gvb Kvj)
3.     Present Perfect Tense (cyivNwUZ eZ©gvb Kvj)
4.     Present Perfect Continuous Tense (cyivNwUZ Pjgvb eZ©gvb Kvj)
Present Indefinite Tense (Awbw`©ó eZ©gvb Kvj): eZ©gvb Kv‡ji †h wµqv m¤úbœ nIqvi mgq‡K wbw`©ó Kiv hvq bv Zv‡K Awbw`©ó eZ©gvb Kvj e‡j|
evsjvq wPwbevi Dcvq: evsjv wµqvi †k‡l q,i,o,I,B,m,A BZ¨vw` _v‡K|A_©vr evsjv wµqvi g~j i~‡ci mv‡_ †-Kvi A_ev w-Kvi Qvov Ab¨ wKQy hy³ nq bv|
we:`ª: evsjv ev‡K¨ mevi †k‡l wµqv _v‡K|
Present Indefinite Gi MVb : Subject+verb 1 (KZ©v Third person singular nubmer n‡j verb ‡k‡l s ev es†hvM Ki‡Z n‡e)+object+phrase+place+time.
Third Person Singular Number:  He, She, It Ges †h †Kvb GKwU bvg eySv‡j Zv‡K Third Person Singular Number e‡j|
s ev es ‡hvM Kivi wbqg: Present Indefinite Tense G KZ©v Third Person Singular Number n‡j verb Gi ‡k‡l s ev es †hvM Ki‡Z nq|
es †hvM Kivi wbqg: verb Gi ‡k‡l o, ch, s, ss, sh, x or z BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Zvi H verb †k‡l es †hvM Ki‡Z n‡e|‡hgb-
catch=catches                 watch=watches              wash=washes
go=goes                         do=does                         push=pushes
ies  ‡hvM Kivi wbqg: verb Gi †k‡l Y_vK‡j ,YGi Av‡M consonant _vK‡j Y ev` w`‡q †hvM ies Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-   cry=cries             fly=flies                          dry=dries
Present Indefinite Tense:  MVb: Subject+verb1(KZ©v Third person singular number n‡j verb ‡k‡l s ev es†hvM Ki‡Z n‡e)+object+phrase+place+time.
Present Indefinite Tense Gi AviI wKQy wbqg:
***evsjv ev‡K¨ wµqv bv _vK‡j nq ev nB wµqv ai‡Z n‡e|
MVb: sub+am+is+are+a/an/number+adv+adj+noun+place+time.
D`vniY: wigv Zvi ¯‹z‡ji Lye †gavex QvÎx|
Rima is a very meritorious girl in her school.
we:`ª: I c‡i am e‡m. KZ©v  third person singular number n‡j is e‡m, Avi Ab¨ me †ÿ‡Î are e‡m|
***evsjv ev‡K¨ Av‡Q _vK‡j|
MVb: sub+have/has+a/an/number+adv+adj+noun+place+time.
D`vniY: Avgvi covi N‡i Avgvi GKwU my›`i †Uwej Av‡Q|
I have a beautiful table in my reading room.
we:`ª: KZ©v  third person singular number n‡j has e‡m, Avi Ab¨ me †ÿ‡Î have e‡m|
***evsjv ev‡K¨ g~j wµqvi mv‡_ Ki‡Z n‡e _vK‡j
MVb: Subject+have/has+to+verb 1 (KZ©v Third person singular number has Avi Ab¨ me †ÿ‡Î  have em‡e )+object+phrase+place+time.
D`vniY: Avgv‡K AvMvgxKvj XvKv †h‡Z n‡e|
I have to go Dhaka tomorrow.
***evsjv ev‡K¨ g~j wµqvi mv‡_ Ki‡Z nq _vK‡j
MVb: Subject+am/is/are+to+verb 1 (I c‡i am e‡m. KZ©v  third person singular number n‡j is e‡m, Avi Ab¨ me †ÿ‡Î are e‡m| )+object+phrase+place+time.
D`vniY: Avgv‡K cªwZw`b ¯‹z‡j †h‡Z nq|
I am to go to school everyday.
***evsjv ev‡K¨ ‡Kvb wKQz Av‡Q eySv‡j
we:`ª: there Gi wbR¯^ †Kvb person & number bvB| wµqvi c‡i †h e¯‘ _vK‡e Zv GKwU n‡j is em‡e GKvwaK n‡j  are em‡e|
D`vniY: Avgv‡`i ¯‹z‡j GKwU eo †Ljvi gvV Av‡Q|
There is a large playground in our school.
Present Continuous Tense (Pjgvb eZ©gvb Kvj): eZ©gvb Kv‡ji †Kvb wµqvi Pwj‡Z‡Q eySv‡j Zv‡K Present Continuous Tense e‡j|
evsjvq wPwbevi Dcvq: mvay iæ‡c evsjv wµqvi †k‡l Z,Q _vK‡e| PjwZ iæ‡c Q Gi Av‡Mi A‡ÿi Ô‡Õ _vK‡e bv A_ev ”Q _vK‡e| †hgb-hvB‡ZwQ, LvB‡ZwQ, hvw”Q, Lvw”Q, cowQ, KiwQ|
MVb: sub+ am/is/are+verb+ing+object+phrase+place+time.
D`vniY: Zviv  gv‡V KvRwU Ki‡Q|
They are doing the work in the field.
we:`ª: verb  Gi †k‡l e _vK‡j ing †hvM Kivi mgq Zv I‡V hvq|
Present perfect tense(cyivNwUZ eZ©gvb Kvj): eZ©gvb Kv‡ji †h wKªqvi KvR m¤úbœ n‡q‡Q wKš‘ djvdj GLbI we`¨gvb Av‡Q eySvq Zv‡K Present perfect tense e‡j|
evsjvq wPwbevi Dcvq: mvayiæ‡c evsjv wµqvi †k‡l q,Q _v‡K| PjwZ iæ‡c evsjv wµqvi †k‡l ÔQÕ Gi Av‡Mi Aÿ‡i Ô‡Õ Kvi _vK‡e| †hgb- LvBqvwQ, KwiqvwQ, †L‡qwQ, K‡iwQ BZ¨vw`|
MVb: sub+have/has+ v3+ object+phrase+place+time.
D`vniY: †m cixÿvq cÖ_g n‡q‡Q|
He has stood first in the examination.
Present perfect continuous tense (cyivNwUZ Pjgvb eZ©gvb Kvj): eZ©gvb Kv‡ji †h wµqvi KvR c~‡e© ïiæ n‡q GLbI Pwj‡Z‡Q eySvq Zv‡K Present perfect continuous tense e‡j|evsjvq wPwbevi Dcvq: mvay iæ‡c evsjv wµqvi †k‡l Z,Q _vK‡e| PjwZ iæ‡c Q Gi Av‡Mi A‡ÿi Ô‡Õ _vK‡e bv A_ev ”Q _vK‡e Ges nB‡Z, †_‡K,hveZ,a‡i I mgq D‡jøL _vK‡e| †hgb-hvB‡ZwQ, LvB‡ZwQ, hvw”Q, Lvw”Q, cowQ, KiwQ|
MVb: Sub+have/has+been+verb1+ing+object+ex+for/since+time.
‡m `k N›Uv a‡i Nygv‡”Q|
He has been sleeping for ten hours.

Past Tense (AZxZ Kvj)
Past Indefinite Tense (Awbw`©ó AZxZ Kvj): AZxZKv‡j †h wµqvi m¤úbœ n‡qwQj eySvq Zv‡K Past Indefinite Tense e‡j|
wPwbevi Dcvq: evsjv wµqvi g~j iæ‡ci mv‡_ j, †j, jvg, Z, †Z, Zvg _vK‡e| †hgb-Kijvg, LvBjvg, cojvg , KiZvg , nvUZvg BZ¨vw`|
j,‡j,jvg _vK‡j MVb: Subject+v2+object+ phrase+place+time.
D`vniY: Avwg fvZ †Ljvg|  I ate rice.
Z,‡Z,Zvg _vK‡j MVb: Subject+used to/would+v1+object+ phrase+place+time.
D`vniY: Avwg cÖwZw`b mKv‡j nvUZvg| I used to walk in the morning.
we:`ª: ev‡K¨ MZ D‡jøL _vK‡j wµqvi iæc perfect tense Gi gZ n‡jI Zv past indefinite tense n‡e|
D`vniY: evev MZKvj evwo G‡m‡Qb| Father came home yesterday.
Past Indefinite Tense Gi AviI wKQy wbqg:
*** †KD wb‡R †Kvb wKQz wQj eySv‡j |
MVb: sub+was/were+a/an/number+adv+adj+noun+place+time.
D`vniY: wigv Zvi ¯‹z‡ji Lye †gavex QvÎx wQj|
Rima was a very meritorious girl in her school.
we:`ª: I Ges KZ©v  third person singular number n‡j was e‡m, Avi Ab¨ me †ÿ‡Î were e‡m|
***Kvi gvwjKvbvq †Kvb wKQy wQj eySv‡j|
MVb: sub+had+a/an/number+adv+adj+noun+place+time.
D`vniY: Avgvi covi N‡i Avgvi GKwU my›`i †Uwej wQj|
I had a beautiful table in my reading room.
***evsjv ev‡K¨ ‡Kv_vI ‡Kvb wKQz wQj eySv‡j
There+was/were+a/an/number+adverb+adjective+things+preposition+place. we:`ª: there Gi wbR¯^ †Kvb person & number bvB| wµqvi c‡i †h e¯‘ _vK‡e Zv GKwU n‡j was em‡e GKvwaK n‡j  were em‡e|    D`vniY: Avgv‡`i ¯‹z‡j GKwU eo Avg MvQ wQj|
There was a big mango tree in our school.
Past Continuous Tense (Pjgvb AZxZKvj): AZxZKv‡ji †Kvb wµqvi KvR Pwj‡ZwQj eySv‡j Zv‡K Past Continuous Tense  e‡j|
wPwbevi Dcvq: mvayiæ‡c Z,Q Gici j, †j,jvg _vK‡e| wKš‘ PjwZ iæ‡c Q Gi Av‡Mi Aÿ‡i Ô†Õ Kvi _vK‡e bv c‡i j,‡j ,jvg _vK‡e A_ev ”Q Gi c‡i j,‡j,jvg _vK‡e| †hgb- hvw”Qjvg, cowQjvg|
D`vniY: Zviv gv‡V KvR KiwQj| They were working in the field.
Past perfect tense (cyivNwUZ AZxZ Kvj): AZxZ Kv‡ji †h wµqvi KvR c~‡e© m¤úbœ n‡q djvdj we`¨gvb wQj Zv‡K Past perfect tense  e‡j|
wPwbevi Dcvq: mvayiæ‡c evsjv wµqvi †k‡l q,Q Gici j,‡j, jvg _vK‡e| PjwZ iæ‡c Q Gi Av‡Mi Aÿ‡i Ô‡Õ Kvi _vK‡e Ges c‡i j,‡j,jvg _vK‡e| cwoqvwQjvg, †L‡qwQjvg|
MVb: Subject+had+v3+object+phrase+place+time.
D`vniY: †mwjbv Zvi cov †kl K‡iwQj| Selina had finished her lessons.
Past perfect tense Gi we¯ÍvwiZ MVb: AZxZ Kv‡ji `ywU Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ †hwU Av‡M m¤úbœ n‡qwQj eySvq †mwU Past perfect tense nq, AciwU Past Indefinite Tense nq|
***ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ c~‡e© _vK‡j
MVb: Subject+had+v3+object+before+subject+v2+object.
Wv³vi Avwmevi c~‡e© †ivwMwU gviv †Mj| The patient had died before the doctor came.
ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ ci _vK‡j MVb
MVb: Subject+v2+object+after+subject+had+v3+object.
Wv³vi Avwmevi ci †ivwMwU gviv †Mj| The patient died after the doctor had come.
we:`ª: Dfq †ÿ‡Î c‡ii evK¨wU Av‡M Av‡m Ges Av‡Mi evK¨ c‡i hvq| GQvov Av‡Mi before evK¨wU nq Past perfect tense Ges c‡ii evK¨wU Past Indefinite Tense nq | after Gi Av‡Mi evK¨wU nq Past Indefinite Tense Ges c‡ii evK¨wU Past perfect tense nq|
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
msÁv: AZxZKv‡ji †Kvb wµqvi KvR m¤úbœ nIqvi  mgq D‡jøL _vK‡j ZLb Zv‡K Past Perfect Continuous Tense e‡j|wPwbevi Dcvq: mvayiæ‡c Z,Q Gici j, †j,jvg _vK‡e| wKš‘ PjwZ iæ‡c Q Gi Av‡Mi Aÿ‡i Ô†Õ Kvi _vK‡e bv c‡i j,‡j ,jvg _vK‡e A_ev ”Q Gi c‡i j,‡j,jvg _vK‡e Ges mgq D‡jøL _vK‡e| †hgb- hvw”Qjvg, cowQjvg|
MVb: Sub+had+been+verb+ing+obj+ex+for/since+time
D`vnib:Avwg `yB N›Uv hveZ Bs‡iRx cowQjvg| I had been reading English for two hours.
Future Indefinite Tense (Awbw`©ó fwel¨Z Kvj)
fwel¨Z Kv‡ji †h wµqvi KvR m¤úbœ nIqvi mgq‡K wbw`©ó Kiv hvq bv Zv‡K Future Indefinite Tense e‡j|
wPwbevi Dcvq: evsjv wµqvi †k‡l e _vK‡e| †hgb-hvBe, LvBe, cwoe BZ¨vw`|
MVb: Sub+shall/will+v1+obj+ex.
D`vniY: Avwg AvMvgxKvj XvKv hve| I shall go to Dhaka tomorrow.
Future continuous tense ( Pjgvb fwel¨Z Kvj):
fwel¨Z Kv‡ji †h wµqvi KvR Pwj‡Z _vwK‡e eySvq Zv‡K Future continuous tense e‡j|
wPwbevi Dcvq: evsjv wµqvi cÖ_g As‡k †Z Ges wØZxq As‡k e _vwK‡e| hvB‡Z _vwKe, NygvB‡Z _vwKe, cwo‡Z _vwKe BZ¨vw`|
MVb: Sub+ shall/will+be+verb+ing+obj+ex.
D`vniY: †m eBwU cwo‡Z _vwK‡e| He will be reading the book.
Future perfect tense (Pjvgvb fwel¨Z Kvj)
fwel¨Z Kv‡j †Kvb wµqvi KvR m¤úbœ n‡q _vK‡e eySv‡j Zv‡K Future perfect tense e‡j|
wPwbevi Dcvq: evsjv wµqvi †k‡l q Ges e _vK‡e| †hgb- Kwiqv _vwKe, cwoqv _vwKe BZ¨vw`|
Mizanur Rahman
Dhaka University
Lecturer: Adarsha University College Khabashpur
Mobile: 01916335284
MVb: Sub+shall/will+have+v3+obj+ex.
I shall have finished the work.

we:`ª: AviI wKQz MVb:
***‡Kvb wKQz Ki‡Z cviv eySv‡j|  MVb: Subject+can+v1+ object+ex.
D`vniY: †m KvRwU Ki‡Z cv‡i| Ans. He can do the work.
*** evsjv ev‡K¨ DwPZ _vK‡j|   MVb: Subject+should+v1+object+ex.
D`vniY: Avgv‡`i DwPZ evev-gv‡K m¤§vb Kiv| We should respect our parents.

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