Monday, October 3, 2016

English Suggestion for JSC 2016 1st @ 2nd paper

English Suggestion for  JSC 2016

                                                    English First Paper

 Mizanur Rahman
Dhaka University
Mobile: 01916335284

*** 1. Importance of Learning English 2015
 ***2. Importance of Reading Newspaper
*** 3. Benefits of Early Rising
***4. Necessity of Physical Exercise
 5. How to Eradicate Illiteracy in Bangladesh
 6. City Life and Village Life
 7. How to develop in English
***8. Importance of Tree Plantation
*** 9. Your Aim in Life
**10. Bad Effects of Smoking
**11. Merits and Demerits of Mobile Phone
***12. Your Preparation for the JSC Exam.
**13. Between you and doctor about illness


 1. Traffic Jam
*** 2. A School Magazine
***3. Importance of Learning English
*** 4. A School Library
*** 5. Load Shedding
 **6. A Street Accident
 7. Bangladeshi Cuisine
*** 8. A Tea Stall
 9. How to Keep Fit
10. Environment Pollution
**11. A Day Laborer
12. Importance of Hygiene
13. Our National Flag
***14. A Rainy Day                         17. Day Labourer
**15.Tree Plantation
*16. A Winter Morning 2015            18. Rickshaw Puller

Completing Story:
 ***1. A Friend in Need is a Friend indeed/There were two friends
*** 2. Unity is Strength/Once there was an old farmer who had
*** 3. Devotion to Mother/Bayazid was a small boy
*** 4. Where there is a will there is a way/Once upon a time on hot day in summer
*** 5. Grasp All, Lose All/Once upon a time there was a farmer who had 2015
 6. Slow and steady wins the Race/Once there was a hare. He was proud
 7. Wisdom of King Solomon/
*** 8. Dress does not make a man great/
*** 9. Grapes are Sour/Once a very hot day in summer a fox came to a vineyard
***10. Honesty is the best policy/There lived a woodcutter in a village
**11. A Fox without a Tail/ Once there lived a clever fox
12. Help may come from the smallest Creation/Once a lion was sleeping in a forest
***13. Nobody believes a liar
14. Who will bell the cat?
15. Two rats and  a cunning monkey/Dividing the bread
16.  Failure is the pillar

Informal Letter:

*** 1. A letter to your friend thanking him for his hospitality
 2. A letter to your brother to take part in games and sports/ physical exercise.
*** 3. A letter to your friend congratulating him for his brilliant result.
*** 4. A letter to your younger brother about the importance of reading newspaper.
 5. A letter to your friend describing a picnic.
 6. A letter to your friend describing the prize giving ceremony of your school. 2015
***7. A letter to your friend thanking him for a nice birthday present.
 8. A letter to your friend inviting him to attend the marriage ceremony of your sister.
*** 9. A letter to your younger brother to be sincere and attentive to his studies.
***10. A letter to your friend consoling him on his father’s / mother’s death.
***11. A letter to your father describing the preparation for the coming examination.
11. A letter to your friend how you will spend the vacation after the JSC Exam.
**12. A letter to your younger brother describing the bad effect of smoking
13. A letter to your younger brother describing the importance of learning English.
14. To your friend describing what you intend to do after J.S.C exam
15.  Describing your plan on how to spend the summer vacation.

English Second Paper

 Formal Letters/ Applications:

*** 1. An application to the headmaster of your school for a seat in the school hostel.
*** 2. An application to the headmaster of your school for getting permission to arrange a study tour/excursion.
*** 3. An application to the headmaster of your school for increasing Common Room Facilities.
***4. An application to the headmaster of your school for Setting up a Canteen
 5. An application to the headmaster of your school for increasing Library Facilities
*** 6. An application to the headmaster of your school for a full free studentship/help from the poor fund.
*** 7. An application to the headmaster of your school for Setting up a Debating Club in your school
*** 8. An application to the headmaster of your school for a Transfer Certificate
*** 9. An application to the headmaster of your school for Setting up a computer club
10. An application to the headmaster of your school for Setting up a Common Room
11. An application to the chairman for sinking a tube well in your locality
***12. Relief for the flood affected people
13. Morning School
  1. An E-mail to your friend to join the marriage ceremony of your elder sister.
 2. An E-mail describing the prize giving ceremony
 3. An E-mail to his/her friend congratulating him on his brilliant result. 2015
*** 4. An E- mail to your friend thanking him for his nice gift.
 5. An E- mail to your fried about progress of studies
*** 6. An E- mail to your friend to join a picnic
** 7. An E- mail to your friend An E- mail to your friend to return the book
 8. An E- mail to the travel agency cancelling a ticket
*** 9. An E- mail to your friend to know his preparation for the JSC exam
***10. An E- mail to your father asking some money


 1. Importance of reading Newspaper
*** 2. Your aim in life***
 3. Your Favorite Hobby
*** 4. Physical Exercise
 5. Television
 6. Your Childhood Memories
*** 7. The Season you Like Most.
*** 8. The Game you like most.
*** 9. Duties of a Student***
10. A Village Fair
***11. Wonders of modern science/Science in everyday life
***12. Tree plantation
***13. Population problem in Bangladesh
14. A village Market
15. A journey by Boat/Train/buss 2015

 Mizanur Rahman
B.Com(Hons) M.Com
Dhaka Unversity

Part-A: Reading Test (Marks-60)
***1. Health is the condition of our……………worry over small things of life.
***2. The word ‘Hygiene’ means the practice……………lead a healthy and happy life.
***3.      Shamima’s miseries started……………a famous designer. 2015
4.      Folk songs……………with these songs.
**5.       The ethnic people in Bangladesh ……………the Garos in Mymensingh.
6.       Bangladeshi cuisine is rich……………life of Bangladeshi people.
***7.       Thousands of years ago, the……………in the battle for good luck.
***8.       River gypsies are an ethnic …………by magic or special powers.
***9. Human beings have invented……………exactly who made the first wheel?
***10.   Communication of ideas is at……………how paper has change our life.
11. Once upon a  ............ think about me?
12.  At the farthest ............. around in nature.
13. The ethnic people ............. sport for them.
14. Oxygen and the air ........... enjoyable flight.

*Unseen Passage*
*** 1. Our nation poet Kazi Nazrul Islam………………
 2. Dr. Mohammad Sahidullah………………………..
 ***3. The pioneer, Zoynul Abedin …………………………
*** 4. The Novel Prize………………………….
 5. Mount Everest………………….
 6. Nelson Mendala…………………….
 7. Jibananda Das………………………
*** 8. Begum Rokeya………………….
 9. Abul Kasem Fazlul Haque………………..
**10. Bangladesh is an independent …………………………
***11. Mother Teresa………………..
12. Cricket is one .......... won the trophy.
13.Marconi was an Italian
**14. Ferdowsi, the great ........... departed.
***15. Albert Einstein ............. energy in bombs.
16. Every nation ............ all modern facilities.
17. Lord Byron was ............. Turkish, he died.

18. George Washington was ..................... (2015)
19. William Shakespeare
20. Socrates 

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