Friday, May 25, 2012


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

National University


Monday, May 21, 2012

Define Target Before Creating a Blog

Define Your Target

Before you create a blog, it is important to decide on the theme or subject area you intend to cover.1 Two main factors should be considered when picking a blog theme: your audience and your interests.

Determine Your Audience

Who your audience is will determine which type of blog host you use, the content of your blog, whether or not you publicize your blog, and what you will define as "success."  To determine your audience, ask yourself several questions.
  1. Are you creating a blog primarily to keep in touch with family and friends?
  2. Do you want to create a blog for people in your profession or who share your interests?
  3. Is your blog an extension of your business?

Decide on a Subject

  1. If you want your blog to be more than an online diary or a means of staying connected with family and friends, you will need to decide what subject matter your blog will cover.
  2. How focused your blog is on a particular subject is entirely up to you. Your blog can simply cover the ephemera that are interesting to you and need not be defined beyond that.
  3. If, however, you would like to target your blog to a particular niche or audience, here are some things you might consider:
    1. What are you interested in?
    2. What are you an expert in?
    3. Would your occupation be an interesting subject?
    4. What do you think is currently missing online?
    5. Do you have a goal that you're trying to achieve that could be documented online?
    6. Will you be able to blog about the subject matter consistently over a long period of time?
    7. How many other blogs exist on the subject matter you've chosen? Do you have a fresh take to stand out from the rest?
  4. If you need some inspiration, check out some of the most popular blogs on the internet, through Technorati's Popular Blogs page or the Webby Awards' list of blogging nominees.
  • NOTE: Take heed if you choose to blog about your workplace. Unless your blog is password-protected, it is a public document. Most employers are web savvy enough to investigate their employees' internet footprint, and even the most well-intended comments could run afoul of your workplace's rules and regulations. You don't want to join the grand tradition of bloggers being disciplined and even fired for negative or improper comments about their job posted on their blogs.

Step 2: Name Your Blog

There's no limit to what you can name your blog. Some blogs have names that relate to their subject matter—Cute Overload, Treehugger, Some blogs have completely nonsensical names that are just plain catchy like Boing Boing, Small Dead Animals, The Coming. The easiest way out may just be naming your blog after yourself.
Technically, you can name your blog whatever you'd like. However, there are limits to what your blog's URL or web address can be. Whatever you decide, keep in mind that a blog's name should ideally be memorable, short, easy to spell and free of hyphens.
Most people like their blog's name to match its URL address. For instance, the URL address for Boing Boing is The URL address for Bookslut is

Using a Hosted Blog

If you are using a hosted blog service such as WordPress, Typepad, Blogger or Vox, you have two options. When you create a blog through these services, you are assigned a web address, which will look like this:
If you don't mind having your host service's name in your web address, than you can simply check your potential blog name's availability when you register for an account. This is the simplest solution, particularly if this is your first blogging experience. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Create Your Blog with Blogger

Signing Up and Choosing Your Template

  1. Go to the Blogger site.
  2. If you have a Google Account, sign in to Blogger by entering your email address and password in the upper right hand corner.
  3. If you do not have a Google Account, get started by clicking on the "Create Your Blog Now" button.
  4. You'll be taken to a screen that asks you to create an account. Here you will need to enter in your email address, choose a password, choose the name that will be displayed when you publish a blog post and accept Blogger's terms of use.
  5. You will next be asked to name your blog and choose your blog's URL address. (If you've purchased a domain name that you would like to use in lieu of the Blogger address, you can click on the Advanced Blog Setup link for assistance.)
  6. Next you will be taken to a screen that lets you select a template for your blog's design. Pick one; you can always change it later.
  7. Once you've chosen your template, you can start posting. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Some Important Report

Eve Teasing
Hasan Mahmud,21-01-11: Different kinds of social crimes prevail in our country. Eve teasing is one of them. Eve teasing means banter (Zxeª nvwm VvÆv) of the girls and women. Nowadays the school or college-going girls have become the victim of it. A class of derailed (jvBbPz¨Z) young boys is involved in this crime. Many girls commit suicide because of it. Sometimes they put an end of their academic lives. The teenagers get inspired to it by watching extensive vulgar programmes on satellite TV channels. Very recently some deaths are caused by eve teaser. It is very painful and touching incident. This crime must not be allowed to go on unchecked. To stop eve teasing massive efforts are needed. Every family can play a vital role in this regard. To prevent eve teasing, the govt. has already taken some programmes. All educated people should come forward to remove this malady from the society. Besides the law enforcing agencies need to be active. If we can build up an anti-eve-teasing atmosphere, it will surely help us to remove this social curse.

Dialogue Writing process

A dialogue between two friends.
M: Hello Rahi, how are you?
Rahi: I am fine and you?
 M: I am also fine. What are you doing now?
Rahi: I am doing nothing special. I am reading a newspaper. What are you doing?
M: I am also reading a newspaper. But I have something to ask/borrow from you. Will you give me sometime?
Rahi: Obviously, whyever not? I am always ready to tell/help whatever you wish to know/get.
M: I want to know/get/borrow ………….
M: Thanks indeed: I have to leave now. See you again.
Rahi: Ok, you may go now. Bye.

A dialogue between two friends.
M: Hello Rahi, how are you?
Rahi: I am fine and you?
 M: I am also fine. What are you doing now?
Rahi: I am doing nothing special. I am reading a newspaper. What are you doing?
M: I am also reading a newspaper. But I have something to ask/borrow from you. Will you give me sometime?
Rahi: Obviously, whyever not? I am always ready to tell/help whatever you wish to know/get.
M: I want to know/get/borrow ………….
M: Thanks indeed: I have to leave now. See you again.
Rahi: Ok, you may go now. Bye.

A dialogue between two friends.
M: Hello Rahi, how are you?
Rahi: I am fine and you?
 M: I am also fine. What are you doing now?
Rahi: I am doing nothing special. I am reading a newspaper. What are you doing?
M: I am reading a newspaper. But I have something to ask/borrow from you. Will you give me sometime?
Rahi: Obviously, whyever not? I am always ready to tell/help whatever you wish to know/get.
M: I want to know/get/borrow ………….
M: Thanks indeed: I have to leave now. See you again.
Rahi: Ok, you may go now. Bye.

A dialogue between two friends.
M: Hello Rahi, how are you?
Rahi: I am fine and you?
 M: I am also fine. What are you doing now?
Rahi: I am doing nothing special. I am reading a newspaper. What are you doing?
M: I am also reading a newspaper. But I have something to ask/borrow from you. Will you give me sometime?
Rahi: Obviously, whyever not? I am always ready to tell/help whatever you wish to know/get.
M: I want to know/get/borrow ………….
M: Thanks indeed: I have to leave now. See you again.
Rahi: Ok, you may go now. Bye.

Some letters and paragraph for Seven

1.Write a letter to your father requesting him to send some money for buying new books.
My dear father,
I received your letter yesterday. I hope you are well by the grace of Almighty. I am also fine. You will be glad to know that I have been promoted to class vi (occupying the first position). Our class will start soon. I shall have to buy some new books. Now I need some money to buy new books. So please send me the money soon.
No more today. With best regards to you and mother and love to the youngers.
Your loving son.


2. Write a letter to your friend about your sports day at your school.
My dear X,
I received your letter yesterday. I hope you are well by the grace of Almighty. I am also fine. In your letter you wanted to know about sports day at our school. Now I like to describe it.
The sports day at our school was held on 25 January. We decorated our school field nicely. There were various events on the day. The most interesting events were the cockfight and dress, as you like. I took part in two events and won first prize. At 2pm all the games and sports were over. The chief guest gave the prizes among the winners.
Your loving friend
3. Write a letter to your friend describing your aim in life.
My dear X,
I received your letter yesterday. I hope you are well by the grace of Almighty. I am also fine. In your letter you wanted to know about my aim in life. Now I like to describe it.
My aim in life is very simple. I want to be a doctor. A doctor’s job is not only important but also High Status. He can lead a life of honesty and dignity. A doctor always serves the suffering people and the nation. This is his pride. I shall have to gather much learning and training to be a doctor.
No more today. With best regards to you and mother and love to the youngers.
Your loving friend
4. Write a letter to your father describing him about the preparation for the scholarship examination.
My dear father,
I received your letter yesterday. I hope you are well by the grace of Almighty. I am also fine. You are eager to know about my preparation for the scholarship examination.
Our scholarship examination is knocking at the door. I have been studying attentively and learning the answers of all the possible questions. I hope that I shall do well in the examination. I do not spend a single moment without going on with my studies. I have finished preparing all the subjects. Now I am revising them. Pray to Allah for my success.
With regards to you and mother and love to the youngers.
Your loving son

Common Birds of Bangladesh

The crow is a common bird of Bangladesh. It is deep black and ugly bird. Its voice is harsh. Its body is covered with black feathers. The crow has two legs with sharp nails, two large wings and two strong fills. It is seen everywhere. It is a thief by nature. It takes away food from the children. Crow lives on worms, rats, eggs and insects. The crow builds its nest on big trees. There are two kinds of crow such as Raven and Carrion. The crow is useful to us. They eat rotten things and make our houses clean.

My Daily Life

I am a student. I strictly maintain a daily routine. I get up early in the morning. After brushing my teeth and washing my hands and face I say my prayer. Then I go out for a walk. After the walk I sit down to learn my lessons and do my homework. At 9.30am I take my bath, eat my meal and leave for school. After school I return home, wash hands and face and eat my meal. Then I play with my friends in the fields. Just at sunset I return home and begin to prepare my lessons. I eat my supper at 10pm. Then I watch TV for a while and go to bed.

Book Fair

A book fair is of recent origin. Various kinds of books are displayed and sold in a book fair. It gives an opportunity to buy books at a cheap rate. Recently I visited a book fair at Bangla Academy premises. Bangla Academy authorities observe the fair in memory of the language martyrs. When I entered the mela premises I was really pleased at the calm and quiet environment. I saw books lovers were humming in the stalls without any trouble. According to my list I collected some books without any hazard. I met some famous (eminent) writers of our country. A book fair spreads the message that books are our best friends and companions, enlarge our vision and make our life more meaningful.

Favourite Game

I am always fond of games and sports. Football is my favourite game. It is a very common and popular game in Bangladesh. It is not an expensive and time killing game. The game is played between two teams. Each groups has eleven players. I play football in my school field with my friends in the afternoon. Football is a game of great interest and enjoyment. It keeps the players fit and active. It teaches us discipline and unity. It is a game full of thrills and exciting to both the players and the spectators. So it is my favourite game.

Written by:



      Ali Akbar

      Assistant Teacher
      S.K. Gov. Girls High School

Story Writing

A grocer and a fruit seller
One day a grocer borrowed a balance and some weights from a fruit seller. After a few days, the fruit seller asked the grocer to return his balance with weights to him. The grocer desired not to return his balance and weights. Rather he said to the fruit seller that the mice had eaten into his things. The lame excuse of the dishonest grocer made the fruit seller very angry. But he controlled his temper and told him that it was his bad luck. But the fruit seller was thinking of a plan to teach him a good lesson.
Once the fruit seller requested the grocer to allow his son to go with him to the town for some shopping. The grocer allowed his son to go with him. The next day the fruit seller returned alone from the town. The grocer asked him about his son. The fruit seller replied that a crow had carried his son away. At this the grocer grew very angry and calling him a liar asked him how a crow can carry his son away. The fruit seller instantly replied that it carried his son away in the same way as mice could eat into his balance and weights. The grocer understood the whole thing and requested the fruit seller to pardon him for telling lie.  He returned the balance and weights to the fruit seller. After that the fruit seller also sent the boy to his father.
Failures are the pillars of success
Once there was a great king Robert Bruce. He was sitting deject in a dark cave. He was thinking about his lot. He loved his county and his subjects very dearly. His subjects had a great love and respect for him. One day his enemies attacked his country and drove him away from his kingdom. The king fought several battles to regain his country but failed. One day he was sitting in his hiding place. He was upset over his misfortune. Suddenly he noticed a spider trying to reach the ceiling. The spider tried again and again to go up but dropped down every time. Bruce observed the spider with keen interest and saw that the seventh attempt of the spider succeeded. The perseverance of the spider encouraged Bruce. He saw a ray of hope. Filled with new hope, he brought together his scattered forces and faced his enemies once more time. This time he prevailed over his enemies and succeeded in defeating them. Finally he regained his lost kingdom.
Money cannot bring happiness
Once there lived a happy cobbler who passed his days in working and singing. A rich businessman neighbour said to him one day. How much a year do you earn? The cobbler replied, “I earn enough to make both ends meet.” “I am sorry for that. You must be living in great distress.” said the neighbour. “But I am used to this sort of life and I am happy.” said the cobbler.
The next day the rich neighbour again came to visit the cobbler. He came with ten thousand taka in a bag. He said to him, “I’ve brought ten thousand taka for you. Keep this money and remove your distress.
Now a new thinking took hold of the cobbler. He said to himself, “Ten thousand taka a lot of money.” He could not think where to keep the money. He did not find any safe place to keep the bag. He dug a hole in his hut and kept the money. But he always thought that his money could be stolen any time. He even could not devote himself to his work. As a result, his life became more miserable. Peace and happiness vanished from his life. The cobbler realized that he had money but no peace of mind.

Dress does not make a man great
Sheikh was a great poet. He used to lead a simple life. Once he took shelter in a rich man’s house. The rich man could not recognize him and treated him as an ordinary man. At that time he had a very simple dress on. The people of that house did not deal well with the poet. Rather they showed disrespect and dishonour to him. The poet left the rich man’s house in utter dismay. A few days later, he went there again with a rich dress on. This time he was duly respected and honoured by the people of the rich man’s house. They gave him rich food to eat. The poet did not eat the food but began to put the food in his pocket. Seeing it, the rich man was astonished. He asked the poet about his mysterious behaviour. Then the poet said, “This food is for my dress but not for me.” Had it not been so I would have been treated in the same manner when I was very poorly dressed? The rich man was really sad for this. He begged forgiveness of the poet.
The fox without a tail
There lived a very clever fox in a jungle. One day, while walking the jungle, he fell into a trap. He struggled hard and at last he was able to come out of the trap. But unfortunately he could not come out unhurt because he lost his tail in the trap. So without the trail the fox looked very odd and strange. The fox was very upset and ashamed losing his tail. But the fox was very clever. He made a plan. He invited all the foxes living in the jungle to a meeting. He told them that he had made a great discovery.
All the foxes became very eager to listen to him. He told them that their tail was of no use rather it looked ugly and dirty. He told them that if they cut off their tail, they would look more beautiful and more attractive. He also told them that he himself had cut off his tail to prove it. The foxes were convinced. But among them there was an old and wise fox. He realised the trick of the clever fox. He told the other foxes that the clever fox had not cut off his tail, but he had lost his tail falling in a trap. As he did not have tail, he wanted the other foxes to cut off their tail. It was, in fact, an evil trick of the clever fox.

Tips: Paragraph Writing

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Process of earning money with a blog

Acknowledgement: Thank you Tamal Anwar very much. I am a new blogger. I have started blogging after reading your blog. Now I am adding post slightly modified in my blog. I wish it will not affect you and your popularity.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Paid to Click

There are some trusted pay to click companies in Bangladesh. If you wish you can register here and earn money. It is very easy. Sky Walker Ltd is one of them. Anybody can sign up here and earn. But at first you to pay registration fee. Join now and earn money.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Free online work from home

If you look for works as a freelancer from home, you can try Clicksense. It is easy to register and free. Here you can find huge works without any cost. No experience  is needed. Easy payment system and it allows paypal, alertpay and international cheque.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Paragraph for HSC

1.Green House Effect
The green house effect means the gradual (µg) warming (DòZv) of the air surrounding (Pvwicvk) the earth. It is a result of heat being trapped by environment pollution. The carbon dioxide is also responsible for it. As a result of burning coal and oil, carbon dioxide is produced. Because of the green house effect the ice covering the North and South poles is melting. It may raise sea level. As a result the southern part of Bangladesh and some other costal (DcK~jxq) countries may go under water. Animals and plants are endangered with the threat of extinctions (wejywß). Many natural disasters (`~‡hv©M) are the effects of it. Tree plantation programme should be taken soon. Steps should be taken to stop the production of carbon dioxide.

2.Environment Pollution

Environment consists (MwVZ) of all around us. The elements of our environment are air, water, soil, forest etc. Fresh environment is essential for us. But polluted environment is harmful(¶wZKi) for us. Environment is polluted in many ways. Smoke pollutes air. Man makes fire to cook food, to make brick, to melt pitch, to burn rubbish and waste. This fir creates smokes and pollutes environment. Water is another important element of the environment. Man pollutes water in many ways. Unsanitary (A¯^vv¯’¨Ki) latrine causes environment pollution. Farmers use chemical fertilizer and insecticide (KxUbvkK) in the field. These mix with water and cause water pollution. Environment pollution is a serious (gvivZ¡K) problem. We all should try to remove it. Awareness of people should be increased. We should plant more and more trees. The factories should not be allowed in the residential (AvevwmK) area. Government should take necessary steps to stop it.

3.Good Health

Good health means soundness (my¯’Zv) of body and mind. It keeps us fit for our work. It keeps us free from diseases. By maintaining (cvjb K‡i) some rules, we can keep good health. We should eat balanced diet. We should drink clean water and take regular physical exercise. The most people are in our country. So they do not get the food they need for good health. The rich and the educated people are not conscious (m‡PZb) of the rules of good health. They think that costly food is good for health. As a result most of the people suffer from various complexities (RwUjZv). Public awareness should be increased about good health. By keeping simple and care free life one can lead a happy life.

4.The Importance of English/Learning English

The importance of English can’t be described (eY©bv Kiv) in words.  It is an international language. We need English for our higher education. It is the storehouse (fvÛvi) of knowledge of all books. All books on higher education are written in English. These books help us to acquire knowledge in any branch. Besides the knowledge of modern science and technology is available in English. Today more than 80% of all the information in the world’s computers is in English. So if we do not know English, we will not be able to keep pace with (Zvj wgjv‡bv) the present world. Today organizations need employers who can speak and write a standard form of English. So it helps to get a good job and to earn more money. Moreover, to communicate with foreign countries and to run foreign business, English is essential. From this, we can say that we need to learn English for the progress (DbœwZ) of our individual (e¨w³MZ) as well as our national life.


5.Bangladesh/My Country

The name of country is BangladeshBangladesh is a small low-lying(wbPz) country. It is in the south Asia on the Bay of Bengal. It got its freedom in 1971. It has a tropical monsoon (MÖx®§-gÛjxq) climate. The country is criss-crossed by many rivers and canals. The Padma, the Meghna and the Jamuna are the main big rivers of the country. Jute, rice, tea, sugercane, fruit, vegetables, potato and cotton etc. are the main crops of the country. Agriculture is the main occupation of the people. Cox’s Bazar, a place of scenic beauty, is the longest sea beach of the world. The Sunderbans and the Shat Gombuj Mosque of Bagerhat etc. are the world heritage siteAfter all, the people of Bangladesh are very much peace loving.

Globalisation means free movement (PjvPj)of goods, service, people and information across the national borders. It is mainly connected with business, trade and international relations by creating a borderless world. The world has now become a global village. With the development of hi-tech communication and rapid transportation facilities, the world has come closer. We can reach the remotest (`~ieZ©x) corner of the world within a second. If one country is in distress (`~`©kv), others can immediately come to its assistance (mnvqZv). But the globalization has some demerits too. The gap between wealth and poverty is ever widening. The industrially developed capitalist countries are exploiting (‡kvlY Kiv) the poorer countries. The poorer and developing countries should ensure good governance and efficient management to get the facilities of globalization. Proper education is also necessary. If the developed and developing nations work together on terms of solidarity, equity and justice the process of globalisation will make our world a better place to live in.

7.Dowry/Dowry System

Dowry means property or money, which is brought by a bride to her husband’s house at the time of marriage. It is a social curse. Usually in our society female children are considered (we‡ePbv Kiv) inferior (bxPy) to male children. They are thought to be no use. So greedy (‡jvfx) people claim (`vex Kiv) much money or wealth from the parents of the brides. The poor and illiterate girls mainly become the victims of dowry. It the guardians fail to fulfill the demand of the bridegrooms, they misbehave (Lvivc e¨envi Kiv) with their wives. As a result many of them get divorced or commit suicide (AvZ¥-nZ¨v Kiv) or are killed by their husbands. This system has affected our whole society. I am dead against this evil system. It should be uprooted (g~j DrcvwUZ Kiv) from the society. Government should take strict (KwVb/k³) legal measures against the person who take dowry.

8.Gender Discrimination (wj½ ˆelg¨)

Gender discrimination means the difference between male and female in respect of enjoying human right. It begins at birth in Bangladesh. It is severe (gvivZ¡K) here. Female children, girls and women are the worst sufferers. There are many reasons of this social curse. Parents think that girls are not suitable for many jobs. Moreover, in the existing socio-economic setup female children are not suitable for outdoor activities and earnings. Women are regarded (we‡ePbv Kiv) as a liability to their parents. Religious misinterpretation (Ace¨vL¨v), social customs and lack of education are also responsible for this. But because of this discrimination the nation is getting deprived (ewÂZ) of the services of the half of its population who are women. This hinders (evavMÖ¯— Kiv) national development. This problem cannot be solved overnight. To solve this problem, we all should come forward and try heartily.

9.Family Types
Family is an institution consisting (MwVZ) of parents, sisters, brothers and others. Family meets up our physical, material, emotional (Av‡eMMZ) needs. There are two types of family in our country. They are small nuclear family and extended family. The large families are breaking down and small nuclear families are increasing. In a nuclear family only a few people live. Whereas, in a large extended family one’s grand parents, uncles, aunties, cousins, sisters, brothers and own parents live. They’re many problems and few advantages of a large extended family. In a large family we cannot enjoy a lot of resources (m¤ú`) but we can share our joys and sorrows with one another. On the other hand, a small nuclear family provides (cÖ`vb K‡i) us with a lot of resources. Few people can enjoy more facilities. So I like a small nuclear family.

10.Importance of Education
Education is important of lead a happy, peaceful and prosperous (mg„×) life. It is needed to provide opportunities of growth and to overcome obstacle (evav) to progress. Education is compared to light. It removes the darkness of ignorance and helps us distinguish  (cv_©K¨ Kiv) between right and wrong. The task of education is to make a man a citizen-physically, mentally and morally (‰bwZKfv‡e). He could earn his own livelihood and contribute to the society. It is one of the most important social phenomenon (welq). It helps a man to acquire values, knowledge and practical skills within a particular culture. Education contributes greatly towards change for the better. Above all, education is essential in every activities of our life.

11.Necessity of Sports
Sports are very essential for us. There are various types of sports. Among them cricket, football, volleyball, swimming etc. are very poplar. All types off sports are beneficial (DcKvix) to us. There is relation between body and mind. ÒA sound mind in a sound body” is a wise saying. In order to win success in life we should have sound health. It depends on regular participation (AskMÖnY) in games and sports. Sports keep us physically fit. Sports and games are excellent means of recreation. They give us fresh energy. They also help us to forget our cares and anxieties. I am fond of playing outdoor games especially football. Sports strengthen (kw³kvjx Kiv) international brotherhood.

12. Sound Pollution
Today sound pollution is common affair in our country. It has reached an unbearable (Amnbxq). The unnecessary use of powerful vehicular horns is the main source of sound pollution in the city. Besides, faulty vehicles, construction sites, loudspeaker and thousands of workshops are responsible for sound pollution. In city, millions of people are exposed to sound pollution. This sound pollution will damage people power of hearing. It can cause many fatal diseases such as heart attack, high-blood pressure etc. We should take necessary measures to control sound pollution. By developing public awareness and careful town planning can be controlled. Strict law should be enforced (cÖ‡qvM Kiv).

It was winter vacation. Our college was closed. I with some of my friends arranged a picnic. We selected Sonargaon for the picnic spot. We got into the bus at about 9am with all necessary materials. On the way we enjoyed very much. Some of us were singing and some of us were clapping. After reaching Sonargaon, we finished our breakfast. We did not take any cook with us. We all together were cooking. At about 2pm the lunch was ready. By this time we all became hungry. All of us took our lunch. After lunch we went out for sight seeing. Sonargaon is a place of historical interest. It was once capital of Bangladesh. The museum of Sonargaon charmed us most. We started for home at 5pm. We enjoyed the picnic most.

Deforestation means cutting down trees in large number. The causes of deforestation are many. Bangladesh is the most densely populated country in the world. This huge population needs more shelter, agricultural land, fuel, furniture etc. For all these reason people cut trees. Moreover, there are some dishonest people who cut down forest to make money. The effect of deforestation is very dangerous. This destruction disturbs our ecological balance. The existence of animals is being threatened. Due to deforestation carbon dioxide is increasing worldwide. As a result, the world is becoming warmer. The sea level is rising. Many parts of the world may go under water. On the other hand, many new areas are turning into desert. So if we cut down trees at random, one day our country will turn into a great desert. There will be no rain and as a result our agriculture will face a great problem. Tree plantation programme should be taken throughout the country. Every man and woman can contribute to this programme by planting more and more trees.
15.Effect of Television
Television has become the most common source of entertainment. In almost every family in Bangladesh has a T.V. set now. It is the best popular source of entertainment for the people of Bangladesh. Television has both good and bad effect. Such as, it can telecast highly educative programmes. Nowadays television is also used for distance learning. Several channels telecast highly informative programmes. However watching T.V. has becoming an addiction for many. Some channels telecast bad programmes. Young people are badly addicted to it. Nowadays young generations do not like educative and informative programmes. They like to enjoy the exciting T.V. films on violence and crime. For this reason they are going astray. They are learning many harmful things. So the guardian should be careful so that their children cannot watch bad programmes on T.V.
16.An Ideal Student
The term ‘ideal’ refers to perfect. So, an ideal student refers to a perfect student. He is an asset to any country. An ideal student must be truthful, honest, polite and punctual. He is always sincere about his duties and responsibilities. The first and foremost (m‡ev©Ëg) duty of an ideal student is study. He gets up early in the morning. He never wastes his time. He never cheats anybody. He prepares his own note. He never memorizes (gyL¯’ Kiv) anything without understanding. On the other hand, he is regular participator in all the co-curricular activities. He is usually a speaker, sharp debater and wonderful reciter. He also takes part in games and sports to keep fit. He is obedient and always respects his parents, teachers and superiors. He is very helpful to his classmates. In fact, an ideal student is good from all sides of life.

17.Price Hike
Price hike means the abnormal increase of the essential things. The price of daily commodities is rising very fast. There are many reasons of price hike. Short supply of commodities is one of them. Money inflation is also a vital cause of it. Many people store goods with a view to earning profit. This causes shortage of supply. However, the abnormal price rise causes unbearable sufferings to the people. They cannot lead a normal life. The price hike causes corruption. But we can prevent this problem by taking some effective measures. We must cheek our tendencies of earning excess profit. Smuggling and black marketing should be cheeked. We should keep the supply of necessary commodities in a satisfactory level. Government also should take necessary steps to solve this problem.

18.Road Accident
Road accident has become a major problem in our country. It is an unpleasant and unexpected event. It is caused by vehicles while moving on the road recklessly (‡ec‡ivqvfv‡e). There are many causes of road accident in our country. The roads and streets of our country are narrow. They are not straight. Rush driving is a major cause of road accident. Overtaking tendency of the drivers is also responsible for road accident. Besides defective (ΓwUc~Y©) and old vehicles increase road accident. The effect of road accident is of great extent in our lives and assets. Everyday many people become the victims of road accident. They have to meet premature (AKvj) death. Some of them are seriously injured. Sometimes our valuable things are lost or damaged. Some measures can be taken to control road accident. Roads and streets need to be constructed on proper plan. Modern system of traffic control should be introduced. Defective vehicles should be removed. Driving license should be issued honestly and duly. And thus, we can hope for a better future.
19.Drug Addiction
Drug addiction means taking opium, marijuana, phensedyl and heroin etc. for stimulating (DÏxcK) effects. Drug addiction is a curse of modern civilization. It is now a global problem. Frustration (nZvkv) is the cause of this addiction. When there is no hope left for the young people, they become addicted to drug. The drugs are very expensive. Young boys cannot afford to buy them. In order to arrange money, they have to commit many kinds of social crimes. Drug addiction has a terrible (fqvbK) effect on human body.  People feel drowsy and lose appetite(¶zav). It may damage the brain and all internal functions of the body. The addicts feel intensive (Zxeª) pain in the body. The treatment of the drug addicts is expensive and difficult. In Bangladesh the drug addiction problem has become so acute. Thousands of families are directly or indirectly affected by it. The remedy (cÖwZKvi)for drug addiction is not so easy. All concerned must create awareness at personal and family levels. When all people will be sincere to drive this curse, the human beings can get rid of it.

20.Physical Exercise
Physical exercise means the regular movement of our limbs. The regular movement of our limbs keeps our body fresh and active. The proverb (cÖev`) goes, “Health is the root of all happiness.” To be healthy one should take regular exercise. I like to do physical exercise very much. There are various types of physical exercise. There are walking, swimming, running, cycling, jogging etc. I like to do jogging, walking and swimming. Physical exercise makes our muscles strong. It makes more energetic and active. It helps in digesting food. It keeps the circulation (cÖevn)of blood free. It also helps to keep our mind fresh. We should take physical exercise in an open field in the early morning or in the afternoon. As health is wealth, we should take physical exercise regularly. But excessive physical exercise is harmful for health. So we should take physical exercise regularly according to our physical need.

21.Natural Disasters/ Calamities of Bangladesh
Natural disasters are common in Bangladesh. In recent years they are becoming more destructive. Every year some common natural disasters like floods, cyclones, tidal-bores excessive rainfall, earthquake and drought visit Bangladesh. Greenhouse effect is also coming towards us. Indiscriminating (wbwe©Pv‡i) cutting down of trees and environment pollution are the main causes of natural disaster in Bangladesh. Natural disasters cause heavy loss in our country. Many people are killed and many become homeless. Many cattle die and many houses collapse. Many fatal diseases are broke out. Trees are uprooted. Communication system becomes out of order. We cannot protect the natural calamities. But we can take some preventive (cÖwZ‡ivag~jK) measures to reduce the losses. We should plant more and more trees. We also should prevent environment pollution. For this, we should raise public awareness. Government should improve disaster management system.

22.Paragraph on Bad Side

In this world there are many things, which come across our life and make it difficult. Their impact is often so tremendous (e¨vcK) that it may chase us a long way in our life. ----- is one of the matters which we consider undesired. As a human being every individual needs to fulfill his aim. But ----- is considered to be such a matter, which can hamper our desired way. If we want to find the In this world there are many things which come across our life and make life cause of -----, we will see that man’s negligence is the main reason behind this. As a human being, everyone has to work hard and attain success. The ultimate aim of our work is to make a better world. But if people are in the clutch (_vev) of ------, there is no hope for the better. Men own existence is in difficulties in such a situation. But this cannot be allowed to go on. We have to create public awareness against ------. We should learn that for a better life. We should work to the point of perfection (h_v_©Zv). There are many people who are responsible for the problems of -----. But on the other hand, there are many others who want to have a better solution of the problem of it. In fact, for the welfare of mankind there should be and escape from ---- at any cost. Then we can hope for the success in life.

23.Mobile Phone
Mobile phone is a wonderful invention of science. It has added a new dimension to our life and to communication system. It works without any wire. It can be moved easily. Through mobile phone we can send messages to distant places. At present the popularity of the mobile phone is increasing rapidly. The price of mobile phone is also decreasing. Now a very single moment we can communicate with the people living in a very distant place. However, scientists have recently discovered that mobile can cause cancer to the users. Terrorists are using it to spread out terrorism all around the world. But in spite of all these disadvantages, the necessity of a mobile phone in exchanging messages can not be denied in our practical life.

24.LEISURE (Aemi)
Leisure means time free from work or other activities. Every man and woman should enjoy leisure. Otherwise life will be meaningless (A_©nxb). Routine work makes life boring and monotonous (GK‡N‡qwg). So leisure is essential to enjoy life. Village and city people pass their leisure in different way. Village people spend their leisure mostly by gossiping (). They visit their relatives in their leisure. They spend their leisure by taking part in rural cultural activities. Today they listen radio and watch TV. City people have much opportunity to spend their leisure. They watch TV, listen music, read books, and visit important places of the city. They also go to park, zoo, clubs, and cinema halls and do many other activities. Traveling is an important part of spending leisure.

25.Dowry/Dowry System

Dowry means property or money, which is brought by a bride to her husband’s house at the time of marriage. It is a social curse. Usually in our society female children are considered (we‡ePbv Kiv) inferior (bxPy) to male children. They are thought to be no use. So greedy (‡jvfx) people claim (`vex Kiv) much money or wealth from the parents of the brides. The poor and illiterate girls mainly become the victims of dowry. It the guardians fail to fulfill the demand of the bridegrooms, they misbehave (Lvivc e¨envi Kiv) with their wives. As a result many of them get divorced or commit suicide (AvZ¥-nZ¨v Kiv) or are killed by their husbands. This system has affected our whole society. I am dead against this evil system. It should be uprooted (g~j DrcvwUZ Kiv) from the society. Government should take strict (KwVb/k³) legal measures against the person who take dowry.

Globalization means free movement (PjvPj) of goods, service, people and information across the national borders. It is mainly connected with business, trade and international relations by creating a borderless world. The world has now become a global village. With the development of hi-tech communication and rapid transportation facilities, the world has come closer. We can reach the remotest (`~ieZ©x) corner of the world within a second. If one country is in distress (`~`©kv), others can immediately come to its assistance (mnvqZv). But the globalization has some demerits too. The gap between wealth and poverty is ever widening. The industrially developed capitalist countries are exploiting (‡kvlY Kiv) the poorer countries. The poorer and developing countries should ensure good governance and efficient management to get the facilities of globalization. Proper education is also necessary. If the developed and developing nations work together on terms of solidarity, equity and justice the process of globalisation will make our world a better place to live in.
27.The 21st February
Different cultures and events all over the world are celebrated ever year. The people of Bangladesh also celebrate many programmes. The 21st February is notable among them. This day is celebrated with great enthusiasm across the country. It is one of the most remarkable days in the international life. Every year we observe it with much honour. On this day the pleasure of the people knows no bound. We celebrate it by arranging many programmes held especially in Dhaka City. Many people arrange different types of programmes to celebrate the day from dawn to dusk. Many organizations bring out colourful rallies. Daily newspapers publish special supplements. Bangladesh Betar and Bangladesh Television broadcast special programmes. The day bears an important significance for us. For this reason it is undoubtedly a remarkable day in our international life.

28.A Book Fair
A book fair is a fair where different types of books are brought for sale and show. A book fair is usually held in the month of January and February. In our country it is held almost all cities and towns. The largest book fair is organized by Bangla Academy on the occasion of the 21st February. A book fair helps to create new writers as well as new readers. It inspires people to form the habit of reading books. A book fair reminds us that books are our best friends. However, various kinds of novels, poetical works and science fictions are mainly available in a book fair. The renowned artists, poets and intellectuals gather there. Last year, I paid a visit to the Ekushey Boimella. It is the most popular book fair which was held in the premises of BanglaAcademy. I bought some books from the book fair such as novels, science fictions etc. A book fair is device to spread culture, education and knowledge. It changes our outlook of life and widens our domain of learning.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Rules of filling gaps with the correct form of the words in brackets.
Rules of using noun:

  1. Article + () + verb=noun. The +(poor) + is a curse. Ans. The poverty is a curse.
  2. Article +()+ preposition + noun = Noun. Flood has brought the + (poor) + for Bangladesh. Flood has brought poverty for Bangladesh.
  3. () + verb =noun. (Honest) is the best policy. Ans Honesty is the best policy.
  4. adjective+ () + preposition=noun.  She bought a beautiful (pen) for his brother. Ans. She bought a beautiful pen for his brother.
  5. () + of + noun= noun. (Poor) of Bangladesh is deadly. Poverty of Bangladesh is deadly.
  6. Preposition + () + preposition= noun. The purpose of (read) of a student is to acquire knowledge. The purpose of reading of a student is to acquire knowledge.
  7. article+ (adjective)+ noun=noun+preposition. The (beautiful) Taj attracts everybody. The beauty of Taj attracts everybody.
  8. verb + ( )+preposition=noun. He helped (Sumon) for complete improvement. He helped Sumon for complete improvement.
  9. () +preposition + noun = Noun .(aware ) of knowledge is essential to learn a language. Awareness of knowledge is essential to learn a language.
  10. some/ any/ few/ little/ a little/ many/ more/ much/ only/ every/ each/ no=noun. He has done many (work). He has done many works.
  11. There + verb + (  ) +ex= noun. (  ) Gi g‡a¨  adjective _vK‡j noun, noun _vK‡j adjective
  12. his, her, my, our, their, it’s , your, Rahim’s ( ) =noun/ adjective. () Gi g‡a¨ adjective _vK‡j noun, noun _vK‡j adjective.                 ****   the+ ( ) + the= noun + preposition.
Rules of using adjective:
  1. Article + (noun)+ noun=adjective. An (honesty) man can never do it. Ans. An honest man can never do it.
  2. verb+()+noun=adjective. He is doing (complicate) works. He is doing complicated works.
  3. be verb+()+preposition=adjective. He is (expertise) in any handicrafts. He is expert in any handycrafts.
  4. be verb adverb+()=adjective. She is very (beauty). She is very beautiful.
  5. be verb+as+()+as=adjective. She is as (beauty) as her sister. She is as beautiful as her sister.
  6. with+(adverb)=adjective.(ly _vK‡j ev`)
Rules of using adverb:
  1. (adjective)+sub=adverb(ev‡K¨i A_© Abyhvqx)
(Gradual) she came round. Ans. Gradually she came round.
  1. End of the sentence+(adjective)=adverb. She walks (slow). She walks slowly.
  2. A.V. +() +PV=adverb. He has (recent) come home. He has recently come home.
  3. PV+()+adjective=adverb. He is (complete) gentle. He is completely gentle.
  4. article+() + adjective=adverb. She is a () +beautiful girl. She is very beautiful girl.
  5. pv+()+preposition +adverb +adjective +noun=adverb. He talks (loud) in any matter. He talks loudly in any matter.
Some rules of changing parts of speech:
  1. ev‡K¨ hw` verb bv _v‡K Zvn‡j person, number, tense, voice Abyhvqx verb em‡e|
  2. wµqv‡K †K Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j DËi hw` wµqvi c~‡e© _v‡K Zvn‡j active, c‡i _vK‡j ev bv _vK‡j passive|
  3. to e¨ZxZ Ab¨ †Kvb preposition Gi ci verb _vK‡j , Zvi mv‡_ AwaKvsk mg‡q ing †hvM nq| adjective _vK‡j noun nq A_ev A_© Abyhvqx Ab¨ wKQy n‡Z cv‡i|
  4. ( Main verb)+ noun+ be verb= () Gi verb pp
  5. wµqvi c~‡e© hw` GKvwaK _v‡K noun, Zvn‡j cÖ_g preposition Gi c~‡e©i noun Abyhvqx verb Gi numberwba©vwiZ n‡e|

Common Idioms and Phrases for the H.S.C students:

Salt of the earth-mr e¨w³-Everybody knows him as the salt of the earth.
In one voice-m‡e©vm¤§wZµ‡g-Everybody speaks in one voice on this issue.
Bad blood-kΓZv-There is no bad blood between the two brothers.
In no time-kxNÖ- I shall come back in no time
Miss the bus-my‡hvM nviv‡bv-If you do not hurry up you will miss the bus.
Above one’s station-Kv‡iv mvgvwRK Ae¯’v‡K Qvwo‡q-She is speaking above her station.
Dead on time-wVK mg‡q-We went to school dead on time.
Bell the cat-wec`RbK wKQy Kiv- Everybody knows the matter but there was none to bell the cat.
Facts and figure-mvaviY Z_¨-I know the facts and figures of the matter.
The nitty-gritty-g~j welq-I know the nitty-gritty of the fact.
At all-‡gv‡Ui Dci-He does not read at all.   *  On the instant-Zr¶YvrÑ I recognized her on the instant.
 In a row-avivevwnKfv‡e –The worker stood in a row.
To keep body and soul together-Kvq‡K¬‡k Rxeb hvcb Kiv-He is trying his best to keep body and soul together.         *  End in smoke-e¨_© nIqv-All his attempt ended in smoke.
In black and white-wjwLZfv‡e-He charged against me in black and white
Get rid of –gyw³-We should get rid of false friends.
Look forward to-Avkv Kiv –I look forward to meeting you.
Tell upon-¶wZ Kiv  -Overeating tells upon our health.
Beggar description-eY©bvZxZ-Their sorrows are beggar description.
At sixes and sevens-G‡jv‡g‡jvfv‡e-The books are kept on the table at sixes and sevens
Bone of contention-SMovi welq-The piece of land is a bone of connection of the two brothers.
Weal and woe-my‡L`y‡L- Well and woe come by turns.
In a fix-wKsKZ©e¨weg~p- I am in a fix what to do.
All but-cÖvq-The man is all about ruined.
Carry the day-Rqx nIqv-We carried the day in the match.
For good-wPiZ‡i –He left the country for good.
Hard up-AfveMÖ¯—- Most of our people are hard up.
Play truant-¯‹zj cvjv‡bv-The boy was punished for playing truant.
Red tape-Awdm msµvš— evav-Red tape formalities always hinder our development.
By virtue of -¸‡Y- He succeeded in life by virtue of hard labour.
Apple of discord-weev‡`i welq-The piece of land is an apple of discord between two brothers.
In a nutshell-ms‡¶‡c-He told the story in a nutshell.
Big guns-wewkó e¨w³eM© -Big guns of the society were invited in the party.
Head or tail-gv_v gyÊy-I do not uderstand head or tail of the story.
At large-¯^vaxbfv‡e-The birds fly at large in the sky.
In full swing-cyiv`‡g –Our classes are going on in the full swing.
Nip in the bud-AsKz‡i webó nIqv-After death of his father; all his hopes were nipped in the bud.
Look down upon-N„Yv Kiv-We should not lood down upon the poor.
Lion’s share-‡ekxi fvM Ask-The mill owners took the lion’s share of the profit.
A slow coach-Ajm e¨w³-Karim being a slow coach will not shine in life.
All in all-m‡e©me©v-My father is all in all in our familly.
By dint of-e‡j- He prospered in life by dint of hard labour.
On the sly-‡Mvc‡b- He came to me on the sly.
Speak ill of –e`bvg Kiv-You should not speak ill of others.
By the time-BwZg‡a¨-By the time you must have received the letter.
A mammoth task-wekvj KvR-Eradication of poverty is a mammoth task.
A stone’s throw-‡ewk `~‡i bq-Our school is not a stone’s throw from our village.
In vogue-cÖPwjZ-Yet polygamy is in vogue in the rural areas.
Far and wide-me©Î-His name has spreaded far and wide.
Keep a cool head-ivMvwš^Z bv nIqv-Keep a cool head in danger.
Make sense-eySv-This sentence does not make sense.
By hook or by crook-‡h‡Kvb Dcv‡q-I shall finish the work by hook or by crook.
Black and blue-‡e`g cÖnvi- The police has beaten the thief black and blue.
Throw dust in one’s eyes-‡Pv‡L a~jv †`qv- Do not try to throw dust in your parents’ eyes.
Well off-¯^”Qj- He is now well off.
White elephant-e¨q mva¨- The project seems to be a white elephant for Bangladesh.
Out and out-AvMv‡Mvov- He is out and out a gentleman.
At a streech-GKUvbv- He can do work at a streech.
 Let alone-‡gv‡UB bv/D‡j­L bv Kiv- I cannot eat three eggs let alone 20 eggs.
Look down upon-bxPz g‡b Kiv- Do not look down upon the poor.
Out of touch-‡hvMv‡hv‡Mi evB‡i- I am out of touch with my family.
Burning question-¸i“Z¡c~Y© cÖkœ- Illiteracy is Burning question in Bangladesh.
Out of doors-evB‡i- Do not go out of doors without permission.
A square meal-`yÕ gy‡Vv fvZ- The poor do not get a square meal everyday.
A rainy day-`~w`©b- You should save money for a rainy day.
Flesh and blood-i³ gvs‡mi ‡`nÑ No flesh and blood can bear this insult.
Put up with-mn¨ Kiv – You should put with the changing world.
Gala day-Avb‡›`i w`b- The victory day is gala day for the people of Bangladesh.
Loom large-fqven ûgwK- Population problem now looms large in Bangladesh.
Achilles’ heel-`ye©j ¯’vb- There is an Achilles’ heel in his character.
Run short-NvUwZ- He ran short of money.
Take for granted-wbf©~j e‡j a‡i †bqv- He took the news for granted.
Give in-nvi gvbv- At last the opposite party gave in.
All and sundry-mKj †jvK- All and sundry took part in the discussion.
Get by heart-gyL¯’ Kiv- He got the poem by heart.
Green horns-‡evKv- There are many green horns in our society.
Make both ends meet-Kvq‡K¬‡k Rxeb hvcb Kiv- The poor can not make both ends meet.
Take one to task-wZi¯‹vi Kiv- I took him to task for his misconduct.
On behalf of –c‡¶- We should work on behalf of our country.
At a glance-GKbR‡i- I saw you at a glance.
From hand to mouth-‡Kvb iK‡g Rxeb aviY Kiv- The poor live from hand to mouth.
Cut a sorry figure-Lvivc Kiv- He has cut a sorry figure in the test examination.
Open secret-‡Mvcb A_P ÁvZ- Nowadays bribery is an open secret.
Ups and downs-DÌvb cZb- Ups and downs is a part and parcel of our life.
At daggers drawn-kΓfvevcbœ- Two brothers are at daggers drawn over the land.
In the long run-cwiYv‡g – Honesty is rewarded in the long run.
A bird’s eye view-fvmv fvmv `„wó- Do not try to see everything in a bird’s eye view.
In course of time-Kv‡j- In course of time, he will succeed in life.
Turn a deaf ear-Kv‡b bv †Zvjv-He turned a deaf ear to the advice.
A leap in the dark-wec¾bK Kv‡R nv‡Z †`qv-You should not do a leap in the dark.
Every now and then-hLb-ZLb-He comes here every now and then.
A piece of cake-Lye mnR KvR-Writing a poem is a piece of cake to him.
Master strong-`‡j `‡j Avmv-They mastered strong to hear him.  **Yellow dog-nxb e¨w³-A yellow dog is hated by all.   **Yeoman’s service-webv jv‡f fvj KvR-He did yeoman’s service for his village.

First paper Suggestion for the students of H.S.C-2012(passage):







2(c),3b,1b,4b, 5c
5b, 2a
2b, 6b

1. International Language                      2. A Book Fair             3. Bangladesh
4. Load-shedding                                 5. Natural Calamities                6. Dowry
7. Necessity of sports                           8. Gender Discrimination           9. Digital Bangladesh
10. Green House Effect/Global Warming                                               11. Earthquake
12. Mobile phone                                 13. Price Hike


Format of writing job application.
The Concerned Person wjL‡Z n‡e|
cÖwZôv‡bi bvg wjL‡Z n‡e,
cÖwZôv‡bi wVKvbv wjL‡Z n‡e.
Subject: Prayer for the post of a/an ................
I have come to know from your advertisement published in ‘The Daily Star’ on the 26-03-10 that you are going to appoint a/an/some................................. at your kind disposal. I beg to offer myself as a candidate for the same. For this purpose, my resume/bio-data/curriculum vitae and other necessary articles are given below:
Ressum/Bio-data/Curriculum Vitae
1. Name                                              : M Rahman
2. Father’s Name                               : N Rahman
3. Mother’s Name                             : s Begum
4. Present Address                            : Vill- V, P.O- L, Upzila & Dist.- Manikgonj.
5. Permanent Address                       : Do.
6. Date of Birth                                 : 19-09-19983.
7. Nationality                                     : Bangladeshi.
8. Educational Qualification            :
Nameof Exa.
Passing year
Dhaka Board
B. Study
Dhaka Board
B. Study
Dhaka University
Ist Class
Dhaka University
Ist Class
9. Computer Skill                              : MS word and MS Excel.
10. Language Skill                             : Fluency in Bangle and English.
11. Experience                                  : I have been working in the same field for five years.
May I, therefore, hope and pray that you be kind enough to consider my application and appoint me to the post prayed for.
Yours faithfully,

Rules of using articles in a brief. 

Articles(c`vwkªZ wb‡`©kK)
Bnv Noun ev Noun group Gi c~‡e© e‡m Noun †K wb‡`©wkZ K‡i| Bnv `yB cÖKvi| †hgb-
1. Indefinite(Awbw`©óZvevPK a, an) : hv Øviv A‡bK ¸‡jvi g‡a¨ †h †Kvb GKwU‡K/GKRb‡K eySvq|aGes an A_© GKB, GKwU ev GKRb| G‡`i g~j cv_©K¨ Ae¯’vbMZ|A_©vr A‡bK¸‡jvi g‡a¨ †h †Kvb GKwU‡K eySv‡j Zvi c~‡e© a ev an em‡e|
a/an Gi e¨envi:
(i) k‡ãi ïi“‡Z (a,e,i,o,u) vowel _vK‡j Zvi c~‡e© an e‡m|wKš‘ one Gi c~‡e©  a e‡m Ges e/u Gi D”PviY hLb BD Gi gZ nq ZLb Zvi c~‡e© a e‡m|
(ii)k‡ãi ïi“‡Z consonant _vK‡j Zvi c~‡e© a e‡m| wKš‘ consonant D”PviY  bv n‡q hw` vowel D”PviY nq Zvi c~‡e©  an e‡m|
k‡ãi ïi“‡Z NU‡j ¯^i AvMgb
Zrc~‡e© an m`v wb‡e †h Avmb|

 2. Definite(wbw`©óZvevPK the): AwØZxq †Kvb wKQz ev A‡bK¸‡jvi g‡a¨ wbw`©ó †KvbwU‡K †evSv‡bvi Rb¨ the e¨envi Kiv nq|

The Gi e¨envi:
1|‡Kvb wKQy wbw`©ó K‡i †evSv‡bvi Rb¨ Zvi c~‡e© the e‡m|
2| AwØZxq †Kvb wKQyi c~‡e© the e‡m|
3| ‡Kvb noun c~‡e© e‡m, hw` Avevi Av‡m Ges c~‡e©iwU‡KB eySvq ZLb Zvi c~‡e© the e‡m|
4| Adjective hLb Noun iƒ‡c e¨en„Z nq ZLb Zvi c~‡e© e‡m|
b`x, mvMi, ØxccyÄ,
RvnvwRw`, wMwicyÄ|
RvwZ, ag© I ag©MÖš’,
‡KvU©, wm‡bU I msev`cÎ|
w`b, ZvwiL I gv‡mi bvg,
hZ Av‡Q L¨vZ avg|
P›`ª, m~h©, MÖn, Zviv,
Av‡iv hZ wek¦, aiv|
c„w_ex‡Z AwØZxq Av‡Q hZ,
Zrc~‡e© e‡m The e¨vKiYMZ|

we:`ª: 1|MYbv Kiv hvq Ggb GKwU bvg Øviv hw` GKRvZxq mevB‡K ‡evSvq ZLb Zvi c~‡e© a/an ev the Df‡qB em‡Z cv‡i|‡hgb-A/The cow is a useful animal.
2| MYbv Kiv hvq bv A_ev GKvwaK †evSv‡j Zvi c~‡e© KLbI a/an e‡m bv| Z‡e wbw`©ó K‡i eySv‡j the e‡m|
Some important tag questions:
Tag Questions:
1.      There is not enough time, is there?
2.      Please help me, will/ won’t you?
3.      Let us go there, shall will?
4.      Let them go, will/shall they/you?
5.      Every body is happy there, aren’t they?
6.      None wishes to be unhappy, do they?
7.      Nothing has happened, has it?
8.      I work sincerely , don’t I?
9.      There are many problem in our country, aren’t there?
10. Bangladesh is our motherland, isn’t she?
11. The sun gives us heat, doesn’t he?
12. One should love his parents, shouldn’t one?
13. One cannot deny his proposal, can one?
14. This is a nice building, isn’t it?
15. That cow is not strong, is it?
16. These mangoes are not tasty, are they?
17. Some of the students are present, aren’t they?
18. Most of the water is polluted, isn’t it?
19. How beautiful the flower is, isn’t it?
20. What a fool you are, aren’t you?
21. I know that he is honest, don’t I?
22. It is known to all that the Earth moves round the sun, isn’t it?
23. I am right, aren’t I?
24. You have to go there, don’t you?
25. He’d better do it, hadn’t he?