Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Correction for jsc

Correct the following sentences.
Books are our best friend.
They are useful to us in many way.
They console them in our sorrows.
Dhaka stand in the Buriganga.
It is old city.
The population of Dhaka are increasing day by day.
Dhaka is famous from mosque.
It become the capital first in 1610.
Rana is intelligent boy.
He can solves any problem
He is a first boy in the class.
He always get the highest marks.
The teachers love him very much.
One of my friends have a computer.
The computer is useful for him.
It will be helpful for his.
Trees are very useful to man.
They helps us in much ways.
They provide we with food and shelter.
They should not be destroy recklessly.
He is known to my brother and I.
He is a English teacher.
He teach English in her class.
Everyone respect him.
There are nothing valuable then sincerity.
The more we are sincere the most we are successful.
He do not likes to live alone.
His neighbours  live around him.
A student is fond for book.
He adhere to her studies.
He never deviate from his duties.
***Don’t tell lie.
I want some blotting.
I have read the work of Nazrul.
He bought three sheeps.
We say him a liar.
Our principal is a man of letter.
He lives in the boarding.
I have lot of work to do.
The girl has curly hairs.
The hunter shot two deers.
The patient died before the doctor came.
I know your younger.
He bought a pair of spectacle.
He bought some furniture.
The vacation came to close.
They game me wrong informations.
The cow is useful animal.
I am fond of vegetable.
He always tells the truth.
He applied for free-ship.
The boy spoke a lie.
I shall go to yours.
He is in temper.
Please see my certificate.
He has obtained full mark in the examination.
His circumstance is bad.
I wrote him yesterday.
We reached the college after the bell rang.
He talks good English.
I have got bad cold.
It is long since we first meet.
I bought paper, ink and others.
He will give the examination.
He has got headache.
The scissor is out of order.
This is very interesting story.
I have a business.
I believe God.
He gave a good speech.
It is high time we change our food habit.
Politics are his favourite subject.
He wanted hundred taka.
What is his wage?
He is my cousin brother.
No one should boast his wealth.
Look up the word in the dictionary book.
They made fire.
When you see him last week?
You should attend your lessons.
See the word in the dictionary.
I ate much fruits.
He is devoid common sense.
Today’s climate is very rough.
He knows to swim.
He took short sleep.
We made two goals.
I have no taka in my pocket.
We congratulated him for his success.
My brother is B.A.
The boy absented from the college.
I have three pairs of shoes.
I met two females.
There are few books on the table.
This is quarter to five.
I intend to visit America.
The man is miser.
He resembles to his father.
I paid my schooling fees.
He is fool.
They discussed about the matter.
I like Nazrul’s poetry.
He took his meal.
The female students attended the class.
They met with me yesterday
The student tried to give answer to the question.
He reached in safely.
I shall go home today night.
She could not come for illness.
They drove the enemy.
The vacation has come to end.
I am very much shocked.
Keep the book on the table.
He will go this day morning.
I shall go by 3.30 O’clock train.
My brother is M.A.
I shall look upon the matter.
He is reading the English.
I regret at the loss.
It is a true fact.
This is unwise plan.
He was angry upon me.
This is nice poetry.
Always speak truth.
He is too strong to carry the load.
Our principal has English knowledge.
Please, take a cup of tea.
Radio is a wonderful discovery.
He will come here today afternoon.
Quran is a holy book.
The climate of Cox’s Bazar is better than Dhaka.
My pen is better than your.
He is not weak in Physics but in Mathematics.
He came back in a week.
Himalayas are highest mountains.
The U.S.A. is the invention of Columbus.
I gave to the boy a pen.
This is a slip of tongue/pen.
He deals with rice.
Open the knot.
The man left back a vast property.
His brother was murdered in the battle.
I feel some better.
I went there by foot.
He feels himself feverish.
Happiness consists of contentment.
Industry is the key of success.
Go home directly.
His tooth is paining.
We are out of our danger.
Earth goes round sun.
He speak English like English.
Marconi discovered radio.
His father has been ill long since.
The sum is difficult to me.
They went to the meeting on their feet.
He lives in U.S.A.
The man was run upon by a truck.
Bay of Bengal is to south of Bangladesh.
Cut the line.
He tried his heart and soul to win the first prize.
Arif is stronger of two brothers.
I did it long before.
I must take your leave.
I saw a bad dream.
The train is running in time.
The ship drowned.
Samad worked all day
I want your reply.
He is a lecturer of a college.
I met him a week before.
Listen my lecture.
Where you are going?
He loves to play Cricket.
He gave false witness.
The chairman made good speech.
I admitted my sister in the college.
I bought a quantity of books.
He gave me many good advices.
A black and red goat are grazing in the field.
This pen belongs me.
I feel uneasy.
He bought a pair of spectacle.
Don’t tell a lie.
He always tells the truth.
He is a foolish.
The vacation came to close.
They made a fun of it.
I am fond of vegetable.
His brother is sick.
The boy speak a lie.
The cow is useful animal.
I went to Khulna by bus.
He has obtained full mark in the examination.
He has a strong headache.
He talks good English.
He has got headache.
He got the poem by the heart.
The scissor is out of order.
This is a truthful report.
He will give the examination.
They made noise.
We elected him the chairman.
His manner is satisfactory.
Everyone likes a true man.
He gave a good speech.
He is coward.
All the men are mortal.
Do not go out of door.
Everybody likes his childish simplicity.
He loves to play cricket.
This is very interesting story.
The health is wealth.
He could not continue his study.
He came today morning.
I like my son.
I gave him four and half taka.
He takes a great care of his health.
The hunter shot two deers.
Punjab is land of five rivers.
Padma is a big river.
He went for rest.
He is reading the English.
The girl has curly hairs.
Please, take a cup of tea.
Boats sail on river.
They made fire.
The iron is a useful metal.
Cattles are grazing in the field.
Columbus invented America.
I suspect his honesty.
We had picnic yesterday.
Habib is the captain of our team.
He bought some furnitures.
Marconi discovered radio.
Poor are born to suffer.
This is slip of the tongue.
We should worship the God.
They gave me wrong informations.
The ship drowned.
Virtuous are blessed.
The chairman made good speech.
He is my elder.
Ill news run fast.
Are you going to my home?
Taj looks very fine.
I know your younger.
A black and red goat are grazing in the field.
Physics are my favourite subject.
May I go in.
She did it with a great difficulty.
He took a short sleep.
He applied for free-ship.
He is true to his words.
He gave water to his plants.
He did a mistake/error/blunder.
My brother is B.A.
I shall go to yours.
The house is built of bricks.
Open page fifty.
He did a crime/sin/fault.
There are few books on the table.
I bought paper, ink and others.
My son has learnt the alphabets.
I believe God.
The doctor saw his pulse.
This is quarter to five.
He is my cousin brother.
He told the story in details.
He arrived the station.
We say him a liar.
This is fact.
She is my cousin sister.
Take care of your luggages.
Listen my lecture.
He got passable marks.

Column1.Answer: friends, ways, us, stands on, an, is, for, became, an, solve, the, gets, love, has, to, him, to, (help, many), us, destroyed, me, an, (teaches, his), respects, (is, than), more, does not like, live, of , adheres, deviates, a, paper, works, sheep, call, letters, house, a hair, deer, had, brother, spectacles, furniture, a close, information,
Column2. a, s, studentship, told, your house, a temper, look at, marks, (s, are), a letter, had rung, speaks, a, met, other things, appear, a, (s, are), a, a piece of, in, delivered, is, a, wages, cousin, of, delete book, a, did, to your lesson, Look up, delete s, of , weather, how to, a, scored, money, on, a, himself, pair, ladies, a, a, wish,
Column3: a, delete to, school fees, a, delete about, the poetry of Nazrul, had, girl students, delete with, answer, delete in, to night, on account of, away, an, delete much, put, delete day, O'clock delete, an into, delete the, delete at, true delete, an, with, a nice piece of poem, the , enough to, in English, have a, invention, this, The weather, than that of, yours, is weak in, after, the, discovery, delete to, the tongue/pen, in untie, behind, killed, somewhat,
Column4: on, delete himself, in, to, ly delete, aching, our delete, (the, the), (s, the), invented, for a, for, their delete, the, over, (The, the), Pen through, his delete, the, ago, leave of you, dreamt, to time, sank, all the day, a reply from you, in a college, ago, to my lecture, are you going, likes, evidence, a, got admitted, a number, much good advice, a red, to, unwell, spectacles, (   ), speaks, fool, a, a delete, s, ill, told, a
Column5: road, marks, bad, speaks, a, the delete, scissors are, true, appear, a , the delete, manners are, truthful, delivered, a , the delete, doors, childlike, likes, a, the delete, studies, this, love, a half taka, a delete, deer, (The, a), the, a, the delete, hair, have, the river, a , the delete, cattle, discovered, doubt, a picnic, the delete, s delete, invented, the, a, the delete, s delete, sank, the.
Column6: delivered a , brother, runs, (  ) , The, brother, a, is, come, a delete, a, studentship, s delete, watered, made, a, your house, s delete, at, committed, a, other things, s delete, in, felt, a, brother delete, s delete, at, call, a, sister delete, delete s, to, pass.

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